Sound does not work
I am new to RetroPie but my sound does not work. Help please
@thepk do you even own a Raspberry Pi? If so, how are we supposed to know which model? Do you even have speakers? If so, how is anyone supposed to know how you have them connected? Do you get my point? You have provided nothing in terms of detail about your setup. You won't get any community support until you click the link at the top of this page, do some research about your problem, and then provide all of the details requested by the forum for support (you agreed to this when you signed up here).
So, go back, learn more about your setup, then provide a comprehensive overview of everything about your system. Then, and only then, will somebody be able to offer you real suggestions.
hdmi_drive= 2
A google search will do ya good.
A cursory search of
on the forum returns this:548 result(s) matching "sound", (0.37 seconds)
Updating Retropie returns sounds to TVs via HDMI that never use to work.
you might notice sound is then lagging and Retropie crashing. if this occurs uninstall pulse on Raspian.
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