April 1st - ho ho :-)
@BuZz Now I understand why it's called Law Firm ;-)
@BuZz said in [April 1st - ho ho :-)]
Plus I hate writing documentation!Maybe you should write a documentation. And post it all in code or binary. :)
You got me, I was terrified it was something to do with the 'legal thing' !( hours of pressing refresh with a panicked look on my face!!
Don't give up, please, on this or us, there's too much love here:))
@BuZz, @herb_fargus and to all other contributors: just want so say one word for all your support and work - THANKS!
@BuZz said in April 1st - ho ho :-):
I'm not going to give up, but I do feel like it sometimes. It's a thankless job at times and a lot of work is involved - as well as managing the main code base(s) and building the binaries, I admin the server, website, forum and so on. It's a full time job on top of my full time job
What can we do to help? Aside from more money, which would help with the bills but not the work, those of us who aren't coders, what can we do to help spread out the burden of maintaining everything?
@obsidianspider well, you and others already help by answering the many questions from new users. That in itself is already a massive help :-)
@herb_fargus and @BuZz Documentation is god damn amazing. I agree with you so much buzz. This should be a place to get a second set of eyes on a silly mistake/new bug or better a place for innovation. It took me up until recently to realize just how important the documentation is. Looking at this forum i'm half surprised you don't have a bot posting to every thread with a reply that just says RTFM.
TLDR: You actually converted one user into someone who reads and loves the documentation. Hope that counts for something!
@Swagman89 RTFM = Read The Fudging Manual?
@mattrixk Indeed hahaha
@Swagman89 glad to hear at least it's working for one person!
@lilbud now that is some of the best classic rock there. Creedance Clearwater Revival and Queen are my personal favorite rock groups. Its truly a shame the freddy mercury died too young. Love the pic.
@edmaul69 Would have loved to see Queen at Live Aid, but I am seeing Queen + Adam Lambert in concert, as well as Boston and Joan Jett
I also got to see Bruce Springsteen twice last year.
@lilbud that is awesome! I remember watching adam perform with queen on american idol and definitely thought he should join them as it was phenominal. Was glad to hear later he would be performing with them.
Absolutely love Queen as well... favorite song by them "Princes of the Universe". you?
@tyreal90 Mine would either be, Seven Seas of Rhye, or I Want It All
Have any of you watched Queen Rock Montreal? Probably have watched it 5 times already. Freddie goes from fully dressed to only wearing shorts by the end.
@buddyscott I have seen it, it is awesome.
@starmaker69 said in April 1st - ho ho :-):
@herb_fargus i like how people create free modifications then think they can't support it because they got "documentation" i am a creator and a developer in a different realm i support what i do, even if its n00b questions or not.. there is no point of creating something free if your just a lazy ass hole that will not do shit all day with what you developed but sit there with your hand on your dick eating Twinkies all day , its horse shit, hell i been developing codes for over 20 years in different realms.. i support my shit, may not be right away i answer questions, but i do when i have time, i m known in the IbProArcade realm.
i was actually considering donating 50$ to RetroPie, but i will pass since i seen how poorly there support is.
No one forces you to use their software. People come here and aks questions which have been answered many MANY times over and over. if people used the search function on the forum they wouldn't make these kind of topics.
The documentation of RetroPie gets updated often when required. Everything you need from the start to end is in the documentation. You can say the documentation is pretty complete.
There is no need to brag about your achievements, only insecure people do that kind of stuff.
Guys! He's known in the lbProArcade and writes codes for over 20 years, also he has 69 in his username. I think we are done here. lmfao
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