Try Retropie on a PC!
First I find out that Wrestling is fake and now this. I'm starting to wonder if diet Dr. Pepper actually does taste more like regular Dr. Pepper.
@mediamogul I hate to tell you dude, but... the Easter Bunny is a lie too. It's just Santa in a costume!
That's it, I'm writing my Congressman about all this! He's still real, right? Seriously, if I find out he's just two leprechauns stuffed into a cheap suit, I'm out.
@AlexMurphy Lalalalala I can't hear you!
@mediamogul Nah, He's three leprechauns in an expensive suit. That you paid for.
@AlexMurphy said in Try Retropie on a PC!:
@jamesbeat I think everyone with any experience of N64 on the Pi already knows this. You are posting this like it is some huge revelation.
I'm posting it for those people who are considering buying a Pi3 expecting N64 to work well.
There is a lot of misinformation on the net about this, including many of the posts in this very thread.
Someone new to Retropie and doing their research could easily be forgiven for coming to the conclusion that the Pi3 will run N64 well.
Look at the compatibility list for example.Another reason why I posted it is for people who already have a Pi3 and are disappointed with N64 performance.
For those people I have offered a solution, which was widely panned for some inexplicable reason.
@jamesbeat Man, you seem to have a bit of a persecution complex. I appreciate there is a lot of misinformation out there regarding N64 emulation in general, and on the Pi. I do not know anyone who has bought a Pi to only run N64 and if they did I would call them an idiot. And they would deserve it.
I don't think it would he fair to call them an idiot given all the misinformation out there.
There's comptibility lists, youtube videos etc that all seem to point to N64 running well.
I think someone could do their research and still come to the wrong conclusion.Also, that doesn't take care of the people who know that the Pi3 can't really handle N64 but don't know that there is a way to have a retropie setup that will work well.
Lol fair enough I suppose.
I just posted today as an update because I hadn't actually tried N64 on a Pi3 myself until last night.
@jamesbeat Have you tried Mario Kart? It runs really well with minor audio glitches on a stock Pi 3.
There is a lot of misinformation on the net about this
It's a bit of a problem, sure. Most of it seems intended to drum up video views on YouTube that promise you can play all your childhood favorites for only $35. However, many people are actually content with the N64 performance on the Pi, considering that it's not perfect on any platform. Myself, I remember being very surprised to find that it ran some games like 'Doom 64' very well. While the number of playable games is definitely lower, there's still quite a few that run without much of an issue at all, like 'Mario Kart' mentioned above.
Yeah, that was one of the games I tried because it's one I'm familiar with.
It seemed to run reasonably well until I tried it on the PC.
Going back to the Pi3 after that made the flaws stand out.Mario kart was one of the better performing games out of the ones I tried though.
@mediamogul said in Try Retropie on a PC!:
There is a lot of misinformation on the net about this
It's a bit of a problem, sure. Most of it seems intended to drum up video views on YouTube that promise you can play all your childhood favorites for only $35. However, many people are actually content with the performance on the Pi, considering that it's not perfect on any platform. Myself, I remember being very surprised to find that it ran some games like 'Doom 64' very well. While the number of playable games is definitely lower, there's still quite a few that run without much of an issue at all, like 'Mario Kart' mentioned above.
Yes, there appear to be two types of glitches with the N64 on the Pi.
The first type are caused by the low power of the Pi, such as slowdown, stuttering sound etc.The other type is caused by the problems with the emulator itself, such as graphical problems, missing textures etc.
The second type are present on the PC as well, but that can only be solved with better emulators.
The Pi is also a bit overdue for an upgrade to the GPU. The head developer of Mupen64Plus has voiced concerns about the Pi version falling behind as a result.
@jamesbeat said in Try Retropie on a PC!:
I'm posting it for those people who are considering buying a Pi3 expecting N64 to work well.
There is a lot of misinformation on the net about this, including many of the posts in this very them. some games are totally 'playable'. some are almost perfect. i think we can argue about the use of "work well" given the pi3's cost and power, but the shortcomings of n64 on the pi3 are well known. i think it's surely the first thing you'll read about with even the most surface-level research.
For those people I have offered a solution, which was widely panned for some inexplicable reason.
i think it's more to do with your cloying hyperbole.
N64 emulation is pretty bad, even on a good modern PC. The only way to fully enjoy that system is a real N64 with a collection of games or a flashcart. For optimal results, you could modify the console for HDMI output.
@matchaman said in Try Retropie on a PC!:
N64 emulation is pretty bad, even on a good modern PC. The only way to fully enjoy that system is a real N64 with a collection of games or a flashcart. For optimal results, you could modify the console for HDMI output.
Apparently I've really lucked out on my n64 games then. Either that or I'm just easier to please. Likely a bit of both.
Conker's Bad Fur Day, Banjo Tooie, Donkey Kong 64, Killer Instinct Gold, Pokemon Stadium 2 and other demanding games have issues with any emulator, especially later during gameplay.
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine, Mario Tennis, Hey You, Pikachu!, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Star Wars: Episode I and Mario Tennis don't work with any emulator unless low-level emulation is used such as angrylion's graphics plugin that's sluggish even on my new i7 CPU.
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