Top requested arcade games for overlays
@UDb23 Thanks for the reply. I get that the screen would be crowded, but I wondered with 16 characters, whether it would be possible to put 8 on each side. It would leave little space for art and wouldn't be that pretty...
@iantweed it's possible to place them. Just wondering if moves will still be readable.
Will give it a try and post a draft test overlay. -
@UDb23 That would be amazing. If the move text is not readable, then I guess that could be scrapped - leaving just the joystick move and the button name. I mean, no one actually cares what moves are called. And if you are familiar with 2D fighting games you can pretty much guess what a move will do from its notation (e.g. quarter circle forward is likely to be a projectile).
@sonicsheppard said in Top requested arcade games for overlays:
Would love to see some of the Cave shooters if you're doing shmups. DoDonPachi
DoDonPachi Dai ou jou overlay now available; check here ;-)
@UDb23 Super as always!
@backstander I wasn't sure if I should post it here too. Can Pulstar be considered a classic ?
Of course posting it here too makes it easier for people to find the overlays :-)
thanks. -
I don't know if it's a classic either but it is a very well done overlay and hopefully more people will find it! -
How much latency does these overlays add to the gaming experience?
They look soooo awesome, but I'm generally switching shaders off to prevent lag, and won't these influence in the same way? -
@meleu I'm beginning to see this as a game changer.. Getting another, bigger screen, only to enjoy these overlays. They add so much arcade atmosphere...
What do you guys do about the black areas when playing consoles? Just leave it black?
@AndersHP said in Top requested arcade games for overlays:
What do you guys do about the black areas when playing consoles? Just leave it black?
@AndersHP Atari 2600 and NES generic overlays (+ a few game specific) are available in the Repo. Main focus for overlays is Arcade but if there's request also Console can be done @Meleu: I know that there still are some Megaman games missing their ovl ;-)
Building my own two player custom control panel is absorbing most of my free time over the last weeks. -
@UDb23 no rush buddy! I'm still trying to save princess Zelda in Minish Cap (Gameboy Advance). And then I'll teach a lesson to Dr Willy.
@JohnSmith75 Glad to hear you appreciate.
Just in case somebody missed it:
"Super Space Invaders '91" and "Majestic 12" overlays are now ready & available. -
Another Classic ready: overlay for Rampage.
;-) -
@UDb23 Bubble Bobble looks cool. I've just been playing Pacland and is there any chance for an overlay when you get a minute? Also if you have a donate account or anything I'd be happy to donate a few £
Thanks :) -
@jozzy1 Let me look what I can find for Pacland...
Never seriously thought about having a paypal "donate" button; I do it for fun and for the community. Somebody should invent a "donate a beer" worldwide network :-))
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