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    8 Posts


    OK, I fiddled with it for like two hours and I found the culprit!

    I restored backup of my "bad config" and it was lagging and doing 30 frames per second - as expected.
    Then I started deleting lines half of the file at a time and after a lot of problems with auto-generated cfg in NES folder, I found that removing this line stops the stuttering:

    video_vsync = "false"

    To double-check it, I restored the original "retroarch.cfg.rp-dist" and added this line - it's 100% reproducible on my system. Put it on "false" and it's choppy, put it on "true" or remove it and it's not choppy.

    Without this line, it is:
    -> not choppy with vsync ON and any setting Max Swapchain images
    -> not choppy with vsync OFF and Max Swapchain images 3 (default is 3).
    -> choppy with vsync OFF and Max Swapchain images 1 or 2

    If I put this line in, it's choppy whether the vsync is OFF or ON
    -> It's choppy with vsync OFF and any setting Max Swapchain images
    -> it's choppy with vsync ON and Max Swapchain 3 (default is 3)
    -> it's NOT choppy with vsync ON and Max Swapchain images 1 or 2.

    I guess something happens when retroarch.cfg has 'video_vsync = "false" ' line and Max Swapchain images is set to 3, behaviour is the same with Max Swapchain 1 and 2.

    Also - why would vsync OFF make it choppy? It should make it less choppy with some potential screen tearing - it makes no sense!

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    3 Posts

    Hi everyone,

    I was able to make it working with:


    Then I got 60fps in Steam, but no image. After disabling the Nvidia overlay in the Gforce settings I had an image again but heavy framedrops. After setting Bandwidth limitation in Steamlink itself to "Auto" these were gone as well. Now Rayman is running with 60pfs, what results in no speed change of the game. Why the game reacts so badly on not having 60fps I did not found out.

    Best regards!

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    15 Posts

    May I request a more in-depth assistance in order to install this driver correctly since the installation guide on the linked GitHub page is super complex for a beginner builder like myself.
    :((( I would love to get this up and running for my handheld Retropie Console project