My sincere apologies about the formatting BuZz. I did read that first and had full intentions of following it, but in my haste to post totally forgot about it. Again, my apologies!

I think you're correct with the date and time thing. I noticed this before and tried to fix it, and with that too now, I am having issues.

I've googled and followed a ton of ways to try and get the time to sync, but no dice.
I suppose that should be a separate thread, and if that is what you want, just let me know. I'm totally at a loss as to whats going on with this Pi. I've just installed the image again and no luck changing the date, OR using the scraper.

For the date/time I've tried:

Setting the timezone in raspi-config (didn't stick after reboot)

Tried these to no avail:



And a few others I don't remember the URL's.