• Scraped image not showing

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    @denzela I would consider running a badblocks check on the SDCard. Simply rebooting the machine shouldn't make the images suddenly start to show as you describe.

  • how to scrape my games in 2020

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    @atablettal said in how to scrape my games in 2020:

    Hi I'm using the built in scarper and it's connected to the internet

    It's scraper, not scarper.
    You haven't added any info about your system - older version of EmulationStation might have problem scraping because the source of the scraping (online sites) have changes the way they work. With any recent version of EmulationStation, that would not be a problem.

  • Scraping Help Needed

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    @mitu Oh, sorry. Yes, the list of games is still there, just no associated images/videos.

    So...go figure...decided to re-scrape those 2 game sets with Skraper...and, bingo, it worked, all images and videos are there, restarted and rebooted just to confirm. Not sure what Skraper does, almost like it made a proprietary setup, but either way, it's working so I guess I should be happy :-)

    Thanks for your help!!

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    @mitu It's going to be exactly the same set copied over.

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    @corminos glad you got it to work. If anyone figures out how to get the scraper to work from emulation station, please post a solution.

  • Scraping not working?

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    Same here too. How do you know how long?

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    @ilkayefe Hi! I found your question here and I'd like to do exactly the same thing - I think!
    I want the date / developer etc to show when, and only when, there's metadata for that information. I just want a blank space where it currently says "Unknown", as I think makes the design a little ugly to see UNKNOWN stamped in several places.

    Could you possible share with me your xml, and where you had to edit it, to change this yourself? Thank you!

  • Error with UXS

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    I finally got it!!!

    As a matter of self-defense, I run a pi-hole as my DNS server. Well, after reading another post referencing turning off the firewall, it gave me the idea to bypass my pi-hole. Once I did that, it was working as it should.

    I know the author has abandoned this program, but I really wish he'd come back and put some better error messages in it. Line 26511 doesn't help me. "Hey, I can't get out" would have helped me a great deal and saved me a lot of time and aggravation

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    @Earthboundfan15 Please add more info about your system as requested in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first.

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    @87th-e You should get the latest Emulationstation for Windows and see if the problem is solved.

  • Cannot scrape ROMS

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    I installed a new SD card today in my new system. So new flash on a 3B board and I downloaded all my games to it. Most systems I already have a gamelist.xml file but there were a few new systems I loaded due to having more space on the new SD card.

    I just used the built-in scraper for 3 different systems - Master System, Gameboy and Atari 5200. It worked fine and was very fast too.

    EDIT: I installed the Selph scraper right after posting this and re-scraped Gameboy and Gameboy Color romsets. It worked fine. I had to change the console source to screenscraper and it downloaded videos. Everything seems fine here.

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    cool thanks @quicksilver, I figured as much. I rarely add games so this kinda threw me off esp will all the permissions problems I created for myself moving from 4.3 to 4.4.

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    Hi, thank you for the kind replies. Your suggestions allowed me to explore other ways to troubleshoot. I don't have much time this evening but I did manage to resolve the issue by manually adding the appropriate <folder> data for Quarantine along with its box art in the appropriate gamelist.xml, bypassing the scraper altogether.

    I have kept the original gamelist.xml just in case. For the time being, it's working as intended. Thank you for your input.

  • Can't scrape ZX Spectrum

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    @phulshof said in Scrapes of full romsets available?:

    finding corresponding game sets is rather easy. :)

    In your (or my) case certainly ;) because I think you already have a "clean" romset, or a well known romset like NO-INTRO without renamed file ;)

    but I can garanty it's not always so easy ;) I have associated manually about 4000 Roms to there own games (on 470000+ Screenscraper DB have) and sometime it's a real pain in the A. to match a file like "XmZ2.zip" to the good game ;) Even when you know on wich system it is ;)

    That's why I spoke about a "universal" file... It's just impossible it works on 100% case (even 80% will be a miracle ;) )

    I have an eye on what UXS Scrape in the world and what is found or not by the API on Screenscraper (API Error Result Page) and every day their is lot's of.... "silly thing ?"
    Gameboy game scraped as MegaCD game,
    File like "_1.zip",
    100Ko Iso file,
    And so much different case...

    An other thing, creating theses files mean creating a "new" local DB... because it will be very hard to have "complete" file.
    You always found someone who have the "special Hack Edition Unrealeased merged Turbo ' Alpha 2 zero Russian translation".
    That's why DB like Screenscraper, TheGameDb, and others were created ;)

    The only way it "may" works is to create these files only for Known Full romset. Like NO-INTRO, retrobution, Tosec,... But it mean 1 file by System and 1 file by romset creator... A huge work to do ^^

    In any way, feel free to take what you need on Screenscraper ;) it's CC ;)
    (And if your work is in the same "mind" with better info/media, we will certainly ask if it's possible to reverse the process to fill the DB ;) )

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    Lately there has been some issues with the scraper itself and it sometimes didn't got the images from the site, so maybe just try again to see if it works.
    If not you can maybe try and look on screenscraper.fr to see if your roms have the right names. By default It uses hashes and names to get the images but if both are wrong you get nothing.
    Sadly there is no way (yet) to create the Mix images from local files but @screech has that on his ToDo list but we have to wait for that.

    If there are no images for certain games you have the option to upload some, but i'm not sure how exactly that works.

  • GBA not Scraping

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    @atexplosion delete old gamelist.xml and rescrape. It's a bad ide to keep the old gamelist when doing a new scan.

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    @Xanathar Awesome!

    When I first started with Retropie thegamesdb.net went down for a day... then a couple days... then a week. Turns out their hosting service cut them off for excessive sessions without any warnings so they have to raise enough $$ to pay for a dedicated servers.

    The service does go down from time to time as well, so it's not uncommon to see what you are seeing. That's part of why I still scrape from the command line: scraper -append -thumbs_only once you are in the correct roms directory will update any new roms in that directory.

  • ES default scraper isn't working!

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    You need to go back and delete the gamelist files from every console. They'll most likely be red. Hit F8 on each one from each console and confirm the delete. Reboot the emu station and re scrape all the games. I suggest scraping from the archive. I believe the files are .xml files

  • scrapers not saving info

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