Just FYI for posterity here. LCD was good.
ExperimentalPi response was sitting in my inbox this morning. Known issue. Required software/firmware update: https://www.experimentalpi.com/PiBoy-DMG-Firmware-and-Script-Updates_b_42.html
The firmware definitely got it, but there's some new stuff in the software update as well (like the ability to specify the power LED brightness (which is much appreciated). Firmware updater also states that the software update is needed.
On a side note, I tried to update via VirtualBox first which I thought ended up bricking my son's PiBoy. Green/Red/None eternal power LED cycle. Threw the updater to my cough work windows box cough and the updater wouldn't recognize the PiBoy. The solution was to remove the battery so the only power it had was via the usb cable to the windows box. Was able to update then and the PiBoy is good to go there (just about had a heart attack).
Anyhoo. Documented here now. Thanks all!