Issues with sega genesis hub
@lostless are you using the xboxdvr or xpad? I believe you should be using xpad.
@edmaul69 I'm using xpad. The receiver has no issues when plugged directly into the pi. I think i'm just going to take one port and make it plug directly to the pi.
i have an issue with a different hub. Some things work, some dont, some did and now dont.
I have been told on the raspberry pi forums that the zero has issues with many hubs.funnily enough my rogue hub wont work with a keyboard, but will with wifi and the ds4 receiver usb dongle.
@lostless you could have just wired the hubs power to the switch like your pi and saved yourself all the hassle.
@edmaul69 I thought about that, but xbox 360 adaptor still had issues on a powered hub going through the sega hub. At that point the adaptor did not get its power from the hub. So i don't think it was a power issue. Too late to go back and test. Im done with this project. :D
@lostless for a friends pi, i shortened the microsoft adapters cable to about 3 inches. I have replacement usb tips so i just put a new one on the end of the shortened cable. I think the length of the cable is a big problem when it comes to the issue you are having as it is stupid long and i think the hub just doesnt have enough power to push it.
something looks wrong there to me, it looks like the red wire has a pcb trace conencting it to the case solder point of the usb connetor.
if I were you i would do a continuity check to make sure that isnt causing any potential issues, also the 5v rail of the now "powered" usb port, should be cut on the pcb to avoid any potential backfeed into the 5v line that was previously powering it. -
@spruce_m00se the pic shows depth quite poorly. The leads from the USB port are desoldered from the hubs pcb. It is not connected to the hub anymore.
@lostless aha, ok then.
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