I resurrect this old thread just to add some more info for future reference. I came across this topic multiple times while searching the best way to turn on an Iot-relay, such as the one @DougA mentioned above. (My original way was to use a USB plugged into the Pi, with - & + going to the relay)
I am using an ADAfruit arcade bonnet, so some gpio pins were causing conflict with the controls.
To test I used:
sudo su
cd /sys/class/gpio
echo 8 > export
cd gpio8
echo out > direction
echo 1 > value
To set a specific pin to turn high/low (on/off), add one of these options in /boot/config.txt
xx is the BCM number of the GPIO you want to use
for the default where GPIOxx will go low on boot and high after shutdown
to make the GPIO go high while the system is up
Adding to the /boot/config.txt allowed my Iot-relay to power on the switched outlets within 1-2 seconds of boot