Reicast Freezes on Launch screen
I'm new to Raspberry Pie and the forums, so please ask if I can give you any further information or left out something glaring you may need. Thank you!
Pi Model or other hardware: 3 B
Power Supply used: northpada 5v 2.5a
RetroPie Version Used: 4.2.8
Built From: SD image on RetroPie site, first install on my raspberry
USB Devices connected: PowerA USB controller, usb mouse and keyboardWhen I click "+START REICAST" in the Dreamcast emulator, it simply freezes on the launch screen until I hit escape and it kicks me back to the main menu. I have both "dc_boot.bin" and "dc_flash.bin" correctly named and in the proper folder, and have tried them from multiple download locations. I also made sure to update reicast immediately after install to the newest version. Thoughts? Thanks!
Did you follow the directions on the Wiki/Docs here can check the md5sum or CRC32 of your BIOS files
to verify you have the correct ones. you go into the RetroPie-Setup Script you can goto Configuration / tools then to reicast - Dreamcast emulator Reicast then Configure input devices for Reicast
The location for your controller mapping config file is
You will also need to verify that in
that both evdev_mapping_1 and evdev_mapping_2 are pointing to the matching controller mapping configuration file(s).Example
evdev_mapping_1 = /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/mappings/controller_Xbox360WirelessReceiver(XBOX).cfg evdev_mapping_2 = /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/mappings/controller_Xbox360WirelessReceiver(XBOX).cfg
Also, make sure that evdev_device_id_1 and evdev_device_id_2 are set to the corresponding controller's
number (runevtest
to find out which event number your controller is using).Example
[input] evdev_device_id_1 = 0 evdev_device_id_2 = 1
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