Retro pie freezes when loading.
Hello, I am new to Retro pie. My unit was working well for 2 months and when I turned it off to move to another location turned it back on. Seems it keeps freezing. Is there any tricks or tips to help with this issue? I tried unplugging and turning it off and on. Keeps freezing as soon as it turns on loading all the Letters Etc. Any Help will be much appreciated. Using usb keyboard and PS3 controller with the system. I bought it with the roms/kodi already on it.
what does the writing say. cant quite read it
You probably messed up your SD card somehow, but the best recommendation is to get back to wherever you bought it from for support. They're probably the experts in whatever they have installed there.
the writing is linux loading. it is important to see what it says as it will show any errors etc here.
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