Internet no longer working
Regardless of whether I use WiFi or enthernet i cant seem to scrape or connect kodi. This was working fine up until a few days ago.
I have IP addresses for both connections separately and can see from my router it is connected. I can ping from both connections and also have 0 packet loss or issues but something is not working right. I did notice the date is one day out and the time is wrong.
Any ideas what to try?
@james_dean1986 cant see the image but yes you want to set date. You need it to be correct. I know you cant update retropie setup with the time/date/timezone wrong, so it could be an issue with that too
@edmaul69 was struggling to find a straightforward solution to setting the date because it is meant to do it via the internet from what I gather but will keep digging
Photo was from the terminal, but every time I try to post I keep getting "request entity to large" -
@james_dean1986 this is done in raspi config in the retropie menu or use this first command in command line:
sudo raspi-config (skip if you went into raspi config from retropie menu)
Select Internationalisation Options
Select I2 Change Timezone
Select your Geographical Area
Select your nearest City
Select Finish
Select Yes to reboot now -
Ok so I have figured out from the terminal that I can ping fine, ifconfig shows no issues but retropie will not connect to anything.
I manually updated the time via terminal but once shut down it failed to update when started 5 minutes later.
No I am really confused -
@james_dean1986 dont shutdown after setting the time. When you are done setting the time type "exit" or emulationstation to get back to "emulationstation" then go to retropie setup.
@edmaul69 was doing that but no joy. In the end I just did a clean install and everything is now working... well except psx will not pick up the bios
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