lr-MAME2010 Update Issue / Update Startup Script Fails
@buzz Thanks. I certainly didn't make any manual edits to platforms.cfg,, etc. I forgot until now when I accidentally hit the install all packages it stalled out in the middle somewhere (or was updating from source now that I think about it) and I shut it off. I could have corrupted the SD there. I have a backup that isn't too old.
Should I just go ahead and delete the files and update again as Herb suggested, or would it be safer to just revert to the backup in your opinion? Only changes I've made to the SD (roms and gameslists on USB) are some shader presets on RA and game specific default emulator choices I can write down before updating. Thanks!
@hooperre Try running a
git --reset hard
from within ~/RetroPie-Setup and try updating again. Maybe the card is not corruputed by some files got transferred incompletely when you interrupted the previous update. -
@mitu I'm reading about the git --reset command now and want to make sure I absolutely understand what you're saying before proceeding as I'm a noob when it comes to both Linux and GitHub. I would want to run
git --reset hard
from within the ~/RetroPie-Setup folder with no additional file information? -
@hooperre you need to rungit reset --hard
@mitu it's
git reset --hard
@buzz I stand corrected, it seems my git-fu neads more practice.
Thank you, @BuZz, @mitu, and @herb_fargus. This fixed the Startup Script Issue. Appreciate all y'all's help. MAME2010 issue in my OP still persists. Just goes to a black screen. Probably not more info to give than that, unfortunately.
I should note that it worked with my ROMs previously and the ROMs work in MAME2014 despite being from the 0.139 romset, leading to my working thought that it is indeed the lr-MAME2010 at fault.
Is there a way to clean any files associated with MAME2010 from my SD? I've updated the startup script successfully, but still not getting MAME2010 to install correctly. I've tried removing and re-installing it from source and binary multiple times. Thanks.
@hooperre said in lr-MAME2010 Update Issue / Update Startup Script Fails:
Is there a way to clean any files associated with MAME2010 from my SD? I've updated the startup script successfully, but still not getting MAME2010 to install correctly. I've tried removing and re-installing it from source and binary multiple times. Thanks.
what makes you think it hasn't installed correctly? do you get an error during build/install?
This post is deleted! -
@dankcushions I haven't got an error but all my roms that were previously working with lr-MAME2010 no longer work after an accidental 'update all' that stalled and required a hard reset during update. (Could I have SSH'd and safely rebooted? I think I tried.) So I've attempted to rebuild with source and binary since with no luck. About 6 times a piece. In the past, specifically with lr-MAME2010 I would have to rebuild (and I think I was only successful with building from source) about 3 times before I would get it to work. The other times it would go to a black screen, then back to ES. I've tested the roms in MAME2014 and the all seem to work... Maybe I just roll with that for now until I start fresh.
@hooperre i'm sorry i still don't understand. when you update something (from binary or source), it has two results: it either completes successfully, and goes back to the setup script, or it fails, and says it has failed. what exactly happens when you try and update it? i'm not talking about when you run a game - one step at a time.
@dankcushions Sure thing. I appreciate your patience with me and willingness to help me here.
When I update from binary or source, it returns to the setup script without an error.
@hooperre sounds good so far! i think everything will be installing correctly.
now could you try and launch a game that previously worked, and then after it fails, could you please retrieve
and paste the contents here? -
Parameters: Executing: SDL_VIDEO_EGL_DRIVER=/opt/vc/lib/ SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER=/opt/vc/lib/ /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame2010/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/" --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg'|'"/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/" value: enabled value: enabled value: enabled value: enabled value: disabled /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ line 1013: 1652 Segmentation fault SDL_VIDEO_EGL_DRIVER=/opt/vc/lib/ SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER=/opt/vc/lib/ /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame2010/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/" --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg'|'"/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/"
@hooperre thanks - 'segmentation fault' is a crash, so it looks like mame2010 is broken.
i don't use it, but maybe someone else who does can say if the latest version is working or not.
i guess my favourite suggestion is to stop using mame2010 ;)
@dankcushions Posted on the github for lr-mame2010. In the meantime, I'll take your advice :). Thanks again for your patience.
it looks like my if and statement says 'fi' instead of 'if' in my launch_command() { local ret # launch the command echo -e "Parameters: $@\nExecuting: $COMMAND" >>"$LOG" if [[ "$CONSOLE_OUT" -eq 1 ]]; then # turn cursor on tput cnorm eval $COMMAND </dev/tty 2>>"$LOG" ret=$? tput civis else eval $COMMAND </dev/tty &>>"$LOG" ret=$? fi return $ret }
My python skills are still a work in progress, but I'm guessing that 'fi' doesn't even need to be there?Nvm there are "fi's" everywhere. Not familiar with that one.Anyway, the
eval $COMMAND </dev/tty 2>>"$LOG"
line causes the fragmentation error. -
@hooperre FI is closing the IF block. bash scripts are weird.
you don't have an error there - the errors are within the mame2010 executable, not the launcher. you won't be able to track down any further without running it in debug mode with gdb. this is complex. like i said, you should wait for someone else to confirm your issues before progressing this, especially to git.
@dankcushions Damn. Okay. Others on Reddit said they were able to update from binary successfully. I think it’s a me issue. 2010 for some reason has been trouble since jump for me.
Thanks again.
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