Unable to Connect to Retropie from Windows 10
I am on my Windows 10 desktop and I have my retropie connected to the same router. I can see it on my PC under Network but when I click on RETROPIE I get a network error that Windows cannot access \RETROPIE
I am able to connect to the retropie from WinSCP no issues.
I have file sharing turned on.
I am not able to connect to it from explorer by either \RETROPIE or \ipaddressAny ideas?

Make sure you have bonjour enabled on your windows machine. I have windows 10 and have no issues.
Did you find a solution? Having the exact issue, and strangely only after a windows update as prior to that I was able to map retropie and use file explorer without any issues. Now I can't seem to gain access except through WinSCP. I saw the reply mentioning bonjour and I checked .. service is running fine. Did you find a fix?
The windows 10 os has a bug that you can only access from WinSCP. I think Microsoft are working on a fix for the next update.
I just had this issue the other day and was able to fix it by power cycling my router. Its probably worth giving it a shot. Also direct wired LAN connection was a workaround for me as well.
@Global-Moderators A similar issue already has been spotted a few time the past days.
A recent windows 10 security patch disables the guest SMB access.cf @mitu 's post here : https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/15191/new-pi-3-b-suddenly-can-t-be-accessed-by-pc-file-explorer-but-can-be-by-winscp/7
Maybe a note to this in the "Transferring Roms" section of the help would be useful ?
Edit : Afterall, not sure it's the same error that's described in this thread...
@sano said in Unable to Connect to Retropie from Windows 10:
A recent windows 10 security patch disables the guest SMB access.
Ideally we should get at least another confirmation before adding such advice. Unfortunately I don't have a Win 10 1709 system to test, but maybe someone in this topic can confirm the workaround and the Win 10 edition they're using.
One idea that I had is to use the Windows Credentials Manager to enter a user/password forretropie
, so that Windows Explorer would always use credentials when connecting to the\\retropie
file shares. -
@mitu It seems to be pretty official : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4046019/guest-access-smb2-disabled-by-default-in-windows-10-server-2016
@sano That's understood, however the steps in the topic you referenced are just a workaround, carried out to see where the problem is localized - in that case, the Windows system.
We should see if we could find a better solution to this configuration, instead of asking the users to modify a security setting in the OS through registry. There's a reason this change was introduced and I think we should play nice and see if we can do something on our end to accomodate that - since this will be the default on Win OS from now on. Some ideas:
- Disable guest browsing in RetroPie and ask for user/password on first connect. That would break the other clients (Linux/Mac) and possibly a lot of existing users' workflow.
- Configure Samba to map a bad user/password to the
account automatically, just like it does with theguest
Hmm... I'm using Windows 10 1709 and haven't experienced this issue. I do have custom shares added to my smb.conf, but I am able to access the standard retropie guest shares without logging in.
When I'm browsing the share, smbstatus reports the protocol version as "SMB3_11". If the new policy applies only to SMB2, that would explain why it doesn't affect me. Can someone else on Windows 10 check smbstatus on their Pi to see the protocol version? My Pi is running a testing installation of stretch, so it may be a difference in Samba versions.
According to the MS Suport link, this new settings is a default for Win 10 Enterprise and Education editions, Home and Pro behavior is not changed.
@psyke83 Samba 4.1 is the first version with SMB3 support, Jessie has 4.2, so it has SMB3 support - just checked with a connection from a mac client and it reports SMB3_00.
@mitu said in Unable to Connect to Retropie from Windows 10:
According to the MS Suport link, this new settings is a default for Win 10 Enterprise and Education editions, Home and Pro behavior is not changed.
@psyke83 Samba 4.1 is the first version with SMB3 support, Jessie has 4.2, so it has SMB3 support - just checked with a connection from a mac client and it reports SMB3_00.
Can confirm that I experience this behavior. I am on Windows 10 Enterprise Version 1709 OS Build 16299.248
Odd thing is... I CAN access the Pi via PuTTy...I CAN access and transfer files using WinSCP. Only thing I cannot seem to do is access Samba shares via file browser, using either IP address or \RetroPie
Oh, and one other thing, I CAN access other samba shares I have created on my home server on this same laptop. Or, at least, I still can access the network drives I have mounted. When I go to type them into the file bar "\\data" it says the same error message as when I try the Pi "Windows cannot access" ... BUT the network drive that I have mapped from ages ago that points to the same computer still works.
@creativename Use the 'Windows Credentials' feature [1] and add a username/password for
(pi/raspberry) and see if you can connect via file shares to\\retropie
.[1] https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026814/windows-accessing-credential-manager
@creativename Use the 'Windows Credentials' feature [1] and add a username/password for
(pi/raspberry) and see if you can connect via file shares to\\retropie
.[1] https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026814/windows-accessing-credential-manager
Alas, this did not work for me. Windows credentials already had the user / pw combo that I had saved in for the raspberry
I just had the same problem, but I fixed it by enablling insecure guest access. See this link:
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