mame2003-plus: hundreds of new games, improved input, features, new bugs - now with runahead support
they should be added already if there in the driver
@grant2258 - Ok, great I really appreciate your help as I would have had no idea how or where to locate the correct file to make the changes. Doing is one thing and knowing is another! ;)
- topic:timeago-later,15 days
Hello! I'm trying to use on mame2003plus the uni-bios_4_0.rom for my neogeo games. I tried adding the bios to every single game and selecting it from options in retroarch, but I can't even select it even after rebooting the Pi 3b I normally use. How can I solve this?
post an issue on the github page for someone to add it. Devs will see it that way
@REK607 said in mame2003-plus: hundreds of new games, improved input, features, new bugs - now with runahead support:
Hello! I'm trying to use on mame2003plus the uni-bios_4_0.rom for my neogeo games. I tried adding the bios to every single game and selecting it from options in retroarch, but I can't even select it even after rebooting the Pi 3b I normally use. How can I solve this?
put the unibios files in the file
@gomisensei as far as I know, bios are inside of every rom for mame2003plus. I did it on the I use for FBNeo.
Hmm you wont see this in MAME for years and years im also not sure you will see it in FBN either, since it's on sale just now via the SNK Samurai Shodown Collection
you'd need to be brave to support this until now unreleased prototype in MAME2003+ we'll see.......... -
@arcadez2003 that game is disappointing, they removed finishers and various animations for the sake of making room for a story mode (only available in japanese)
@barbudreadmon said in mame2003-plus: hundreds of new games, improved input, features, new bugs - now with runahead support:
@arcadez2003 that game is disappointing, they removed finishers and various animations for the sake of making room for a story mode (only available in japanese)
So far from perfect then :) it might not be worth a potential lawsuit for adding it.
On a separate note as per an issue that popped up on the github, if you want to play F1-GP Star II in this core make sure you do not use the romset
from MAME78 as it will contain bad dumps of the sprite graphical roms, you need to be post MAME88.
@arcadez2003 said in mame2003-plus: hundreds of new games, improved input, features, new bugs - now with runahead support:
So far from perfect then
Not worth the hype around it at the very least :)
@arcadez2003 said in mame2003-plus: hundreds of new games, improved input, features, new bugs - now with runahead support:
So far from perfect then :) it might not be worth a potential lawsuit for adding it.
I quiet like Samurai Shodown would be worth a look at a later date as i havent played the latest and greatest cant say if its bad or not. I do agree though its not worth the risk to yourself adding this as its the person that does the commits that holds the responsibility at the end of the day.
Not sure there is much reason for worry legally-wise, anyone can acquire the game and extract the romset using existing open-source software, and the game is technically already supported by any neogeo emulator. As long as no emulator try to reproduce the emulation quirks (the "official" emulator uses some to add stuff above the original content), it should be fine.
The missing animations and the fact that the pc port of samsho5p is an actual port, we won't be seeing a "rom dump". I got it for free from the epic store and extracted its contents. There's no roms inside.
@Darksavior said in mame2003-plus: hundreds of new games, improved input, features, new bugs - now with runahead support:
The missing animations and the fact that the pc port of samsho5p is an actual port, we won't be seeing a "rom dump". I got it for free from the epic store and extracted its contents. There's no roms inside.
I notice it was free on epic they give away stuff for free all the time! They give devs better deals and take less money than valve/steam from devs that make games. It good to know nothing is in there but @barbudreadmon said they can be extracted with open source utils maybe ask him for more details on how to do it with the open source stuff
@grant2258 I said I extracted its contents. I used some util that was meant for the sf 30th collection. Nothing that resembles a rom are inside. sprite rips png's, webm's and other crap.
I havent even downloaded it maybe there is some other util he knows about. Hell maybe someone released it already time will tell. Does sound like a port rather than a rom from what youve posted though
@grant2258 This person used the same util and he got the same results I did: lost interest to look into this further when I found out it was missing animations.
fair enough seems these guys have it done but not sharing no doubt the roms will be floating about somewhere
Actually i stand corrected it'll be supported in FBN real soon, i have samsh5fe now i'll try and hook it up in my test core see how it goes.
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