SENSIBLE overclock settings for B+ w/fan and heatsinks?
Got my B+ working with case/heatsink/fan kit, but will want to overclock it. The Advanced tab under the Docs covers 0,1,2, and 3 overclocking, but not B+. I realize that each individual RPi is made with slightly different components and not every one overclocks the same, but I'm not trying to break any speed records, I just need parameters that will give a decent but reliable speed increase with heatsinks and a fan.
There is probably a link around here for it, but searching just brings up the parameters for older boards.
Edit: I did find some discussion on this, it seems the B+ is about as clocked up as you can make it at 1400mhz, so is it really not worth the effort to overclock a B+?
The standard clock speed is 1.4GHz, I believe you should squeeze around 1.6GHz out of it if you push it.
ETA Prime has a video on this:
i would say the sensible CPU overclock is "no overclock" :) there really isn't many emulation scenarios where it makes a difference. you need to be specific about what you're trying to achieve.
@dankcushions No specific goal in mind, just wanted to get what performance the appropriate hardware 'entitles' me to. I might try the 1.5ghz w/gpu overclock from the video. I appear to have adequate cooling and power supply.
@victimrlsh I didn't overclock my pi 3B+ this time around as I didn't notice much difference and it is essentially an overclocked 3B with better cooling with that model. I did overclock the GPU which made a good difference.
I've been running the 1500mhz profile from the video all night, temp on both CPU and GPU went from 35c to 39c, with a small but noticeable performance increase. I'll call that good for now.
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