What controller do you use in Retropie?
OK, so in the end i've find my real one-stop-shop- controller to go with.. the SF30 by 8bitdo! Simply the best controller avaiable on themarket, supports even dual shock vibration in emulatin psx games and can be used even on the nintendo swithc because it supports sensor controls!
Here is a screenshot, i managed to buy on amazon a couple, but "sadly" only the USA version, though i prefer the Euro one because of the coloured buttons. Ah, and of course, USB wired :)
Over and out!
Edit: the only weird thing is it's detected by retropie as "microsoft one xbox 360 controller" :/
I have been using the Xbox 360 pads, and while they are easy to set up with a wireless adapter the D Pad is terrible. I couldn't go back to wired pads now though so I need another wireless solution.
I use mostly these days use this controller, of which I have two:
IFYOO ZD-V+ Vibration-Feedback USB Wired Gamepad Controller Amazon link
I also have two of these too, although I don't use them as much:
EasySMX Wireless 2.4g Game Controller Amazon Link
TRIXES 6 Button 90s Retro USB PC Gaming Controller Gamepad Amazon Link
NES Nintendo Classic Style USB Controller Amazon Link
@niculinux i gave up on bluetooth and 8Bitdo controllers awhile ago and now use just wired Hori Mini PS4 controllers. Just a solid controller all around.
@celly That is the controller I'm using to rebuild my controller mounted build.
@celly The 8Bitdo controllers have motion. These Hori controllers don't. Do you use motion controls much?
@IanDaemon pretty sure none if the games I play require any motion.
@celly OK. I'm just using the 8bitdo controllers for MAME and Switch. But your find is a good choice for retro gaming!
@IanDaemon these things are great, if you can find them locally even better. I managed to grab a few from Target when they were discontinuing them for I think $8-9 a pop. Check BrickSeek if you can.
Started with a wired Xbox 360 pad, changed to a Bluetooth Xbox One pad. Currently using a PlayStation 3 pad.
When PlayStation 4 pads get cheaper (after PS5 comes out I'll probably upgrade to a PlayStation 4 pad. I'm also tempted by one of those Bluetooth Switch Gamecube pads. It'll be especially useful if Dolphin makes it to the Pi 4 (Pi 5?).
@George-Spiggott I have one of those "Bluetooth Switch Gamecube pads" for SSB: Ultimate. That controller is really comfortable while playing Smash.
I currently only use the 8bitdo SN30 pro controller (x2) in Retropie but I have been having some ghost inputs on my Pi 3B+ so I am not completely sold. My official PS3 controllers were my go-to controllers but i wanted something more slim for travelling and gave these a shot. I think iBuffalo wired are quite good for the price. My cousin likes the xbox 360 wireless controllers pretty well. I tried some bobo ps3 controller and it was pitiful. Power A wired was decent but it just didn't feel smooth or quality I am used to.
@KN4THX Using ANY wireless controller introduces the possibility of interference and "ghost inputs".
@KN4THX @IanDaemon Sometimes, a dongle can help. A Mayflash adapter fixed the ghost inputs of my wireless Qumox Wii U Pro gamepads.
@Clyde I was just logging back in to ask about this. I use a 3B+ currently and every thread I can find refers to this being a thing with the 3B and that the 3B+ BT was much better. Are you using a 3B+ as well? I found a spare BT dongle and was tempted to try it out just for fun and see. I only seem to notice the ghost inputs in ES and it seems to always be the Left Dpad that randomly ghosts. Occasionally I have an issue where when I switch between systems in the ES systems list while in rom list mode it just starts scrolling up or down super fast until I press a key.
@KN4THX I have a 3B so alas, I can't tell you anything about the 3B+.
There's a very long thread about ghost inputs from 2017 (before the 3B+). There, @Brunnis found a hardware issue in the iBuffalo gamepads and fixed it by replacing its capacitors with stronger ones. It seems like their power supply would cause jitter in the BT signal which the Pi recognized as pad input, wheras the dongles known to fix this seem to filter them out.
Just FYI and in case you want to try a similar fix on your 8bitdo controllers (invalidating their warranty by doing so, of course).
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