What controller do you use in Retropie?
Hello, i thought i would have been nice if we users shar some impresisons/experience/feedback on the controllers used by us, to help each other :) would you provide a link and/or an image along your feelings?
I have a couple of USB wired controllers, a Logitech F310 (manufactured only in blue color) an an Easy MSX ESM9100, but sadly the latter gives me problems in emulationstation and in the VICE emulator for c64 (see here).
Now, your turn :D
@niculinux My upright DIY arcade cabinet has two built-in joysticks, but I also have two wireless clones of the official Wii U Pro controller from "Qumox" for player 3 and 4.
I like the Wii U Pro controller design because of the analog sticks being placed outward, not between the digital buttons, which always annoyed me with PS controllers. And unlike other people I never liked the asymmetrical layout of the X-Box controllers and their clones.
Here's a review of such a controller:
edit: One addition, though. I had so-called ghost inputs (input signals without any button pressed) when I connected the controllers directly to my Raspberry Pi's internal Bluetooth adapter. I fixed it by using this adapter from Mayflash: http://www.mayflash.com/Products/NINTENDOWiiU/W009.html
I use the Buffalo USB Gamepad, a SNES replication and overall a really good quality and the May Flash Universal Arcade Fightstick F500. The Fightstick have the advantage to support several platforms.
Btw, the window in the background is annoying and probably the wort place for a monitor. Need to change the places (I don't have much room for it, sadly).
The Sony dual shock 4 v2 satisfies all my needs. Reliable, great dpad, plenty of buttons, sturdy thumbsticks, wired or wireless, great ergonomics..
I've got an ipac and custom sanwa buttons and joystick for my mini arcade machine set up.
I personally use the SNES30 Bluetooth controller from 8BitDO. Looks like a SNES controller and feels really good.
I believe the SNES30 Pro is more popular because of the dual analog but I didn't want the sticks AND for the price of one PRO pad I could buy a pair of the SNES30's. Maybe the next build. 😁
For 2d fighters I will also definitely check out the officially licensed Sega Saturn controllers (made by Retro-Bit) that get released this november and are supposed to be the same quality as the original hardware. I do hope to see some reviews first, because at the moment Retro-Bit doesn't have a great reputation.
@bobharris said in What controlle do you use in Retropie?:
... because at the moment Retro-Bit doesn't have a great reputation.
I feel I have missed something. Why is that?
@classicgmr License violations - see the RetroArch team blog at https://www.libretro.com/index.php/category/retro-bit/.
But also the quality of controllers they currently put on the market. They already have a line of unofficial Saturn style controllers. The new official line is 3 times more expensive (from about $10 to $30) so I do expect a great increase in quality.
@bobharris said in What controlle do you use in Retropie?:
The new official line is 3 times more expensive (from about $10 to $30) so I do expect a great increase in quality.
Or in revenue. ;)
how many 8bitdo controllers can i use simultaneously on a pi3 ? some snes games are 5 players so the question is how many pads can i connect via bluetooth
@niculinux said in What controller do you use in Retropie?:
Logitech F310
I have been looking for a possible new controller. I currently use the Buffalo USB SNES controller and I am on my third one. I find the cross pass tends to wear out and eventually get stuck.
I have never been hard with controllers. I just can't play fighters like Darkstalkers or SF types that require pad combos or the cross pad breaks down faster.
I do also have to have a "Turbo" button as it's nice to have to press only a button down once and let it go, I.E. for side scrolling brawlers or MAME games, then to continue to press a button over and over.
I don't see too many 3rd party controllers with a "Turbo" button.
I see SNES30 Pro has one but reviews seem mixed on it.
@mat I use iBuffalo and PS3 controllers. I didn't care for the XBox dpad but it works really great with systems that need analog sticks. The logitechs get a lot of love everywhere I read and 8bitdo is 50-50 in reviews though I bought some of the sn30s and they worked pretty well.
In case you didn't know, you can set a turbo button in retroarch very easily. So let's say you have a SNES style controller with 4 buttons available, you could do something for NES/arcade like use the bottom two as regular buttons and set the top two as full time turbos. Worked great for me in Contra.
@niculinux I also use the EasyMSX. I like the hands-free turbo button mode, I just have to remember to turn it off before I try and save state or all hell breaks loose.
@mat said in What controller do you use in Retropie?:
I have never been hard with controllers. I just can't play fighters like Darkstalkers or SF types that require pad combos or the cross pad breaks down faster.
Weel actually i'm more of a "plug and play guy" instead of "plug and pray", since i like havin Always all stuff lock and load since i don't have much time for experimentation :) the f310 as far as i've seen is the most compatible gamepad so far, pheraps the Retropie wiki under the "controller" section needs to be updated. EasyMSX gave me no problems in recalbox, while in retroie i had some issues. Gonna eventually give up usin it in retropie, i'll give away as a gift… ;) Gonna take a second f310 as soon as i manage
Yesterday i stumble across aan Xtreme force shock pad (USB wired gamepad) mod 94270, very very cheap, i paid 10 euros only, not extremely compatible with retropie; emulationstation detected it as "microntek USB joystick", and thoug all key were recognized, i was not able to configure analog sticks because these are reporte as "already taken" by emulationstation (seens as the dpad i suppose). Though the gamepad seems to have nice quality seems to work but with variuous flaws, in some games and systems analog sticks have configuration swapped (in carmageddon for ps1 up/down left/right) and sometimes act weridly (in gryzor for c64 using the right one causes game to reset at the title screen). Usually the more cheaper they are the more problems are likely to give, especially in linux based systems (don'tknow if/how android may handle them), so i would not advice these.
Screenshots:I've heard also that linq usb wired gamepad are not very compatible with retropie, can anyone confirm please?! Edit: bigger picture of the controller
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