Controller not working in game
I have a PS4 controller and everything was working fine (well, despite some problems here and there) but at least my controller was working fine in the game. After I installed some Roms (I guess it's the cause), it's not working anymore, for any game. In the menus that's fine, I can navigate.
I reconfigured the input and even went into retropie setup to reset the emulation station input and then reconfigured the controller but it still doesn't work.
I'm quite new to retropie so I don't really know where to start to tackle this issue.
Thanks for your help ! -
One aditionnal thing : it appears that in retroarch there is no controller working.
Installing some ROMs should not cause the controller to stop working. Please add more info about your RetroPie installation, as requested in
@mitu said in Controller not working in game:
Yes I know but I installed HAtari and then went into the emulator config but the controls were so messed up that I'm afraid I overwrote something. Anyway, that's the only explanation I have. This with some hard reboot I had to do unfortunately...
Pi Model : B+
Version 4.4.4
Built from Retropie website
Keyboard Rii i28C bluetooth
2 ps4 controllers bluetooth -
Reset your controller configuration (Retropie Setup Script >> Manage Packages >> Manage Core Packages >> EmulationStation >> Configuration / Options >> Clear / Reset EmulationStation Input Configuration) then re-map your controller again in Emulationstation. This should generate again the controller configuration - at least for RetroArch based emulators.
For standalone Hatari, I don't know much more than is already in the Docs about configuring the controller - looks like a keyboard is needed. -
@mitu Already tried that and the controller is detected but still nothing in the games :(
I was having a similar issue. I did the Basic Install of RetroPie from RetroPie setup and it worked for me.
@defenderdev Ok I'll give it a try thanks
@defenderdev i followed the steps to reset the controller configuration, but the wireless bluetooth controller still doesn't work in game / when I launch any ROMs. I'm using an Rpi 400 with PS4 Dualshock controller.
@andrewjrpi123 Please don't bump ancient topics. You already have a topic opened with your issue, there's no need to bump old topics that are no longer relevant and where the posters have log stopped being online or active in the forums.
M mitu locked this topic
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