Missing button presses
@Efriim thank you very much. I'll check that tonight.
I do get under voltage warnings when connected to the non-official power adapter. It runs off battery otherwise. I didn't think to try it off the actual adapter and see if it does it then. I'll try that.
If it is the battery not delivering enough voltage, is there a solution without changing the battery?
@canispeaktodave Yeah it is highly likely that there is a solution.
@Efriim awesome. A friend of mine who is making one said their maybe an Arduino in there to control the gamepad. If that's the case, I'm wondering if I can update the firmware. I bought an LCL Retropie Gameboy https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Retropie-Raspberry-Pi-3-A-Retro-Game-Arcade-Console-PS1-Gameboy-DMG-01-LCL-32GB/273637543792
That looks pretty awesome, it is possible there is an arduino in there. There is probably still a solution because these things are pretty versatile but I don't know if I will be able to help with arduino.
Is it possible to send it back for a full refund? I can find you something better for 150pounds NP. -
@Efriim I'd kind of like to fix it if possible, as it's perfect other than that. But they do have a 30 day refund period if I can't get it sorted within that timeframe :)
duh, I'll help you, anyway don't let it give you buyers remorse.
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (PlayStation Vita) £17.87
Playstation Vita, good condition £129GPD XD I think this one is the newest model, if I had a 100 dollars I would get this, only used for 2 weeks. android device.
Wii U These are portable, the price has dropped, always a collectors item. I'm fairly certain you can play gamecube and nds on this if you're dedicated.
Moto Z2 Force Screen burn-in, I think it can be remedied, US though. $70
One of the reasons I got the above $40, Actually I got a Z force, its predecessor. I saved a lot because it was google locked, I havent yet bought the controller for it though.Or get a snes-mini. I'm tired okay talk to you later, and have a fine day.
@Efriim Actually I have a migraine and I can't sleep. I don't really know what I would do if I had a $100.
Android has a lot of apps and is easy to use, the only working ps2 app is paid only though.My phone emulates well, it doesnt have any cooling, I don't know what kind of performance it loses when it overheats, but it seems to handle everything I throw at it. The Z2 is thinner more effecient has twice the number of cores and has faster RAM.
I never owned a wii-u my friend stayed with me and we played his on my tv. The thing pretty much amazes me, I want to understand it.
If you're really set on getting a retropie and not about handheld, there are other SBCs to look into that are cheap and powerful, but you have to buy all the parts and accessories and controllers and sdcards and put them together and then install an operating system and try to like it and customize it..
you can even get a NDSlite/DSixl £20-£40 and AceKard2i/dstwo £?-£? I had a lot of fun with my dslite, I don't use it anymore, I'll just send it to you if things don't work out.
@Efriim Thanks for that. I really like the retropie in a gamebody factor. I have a Vita and can run SNES and Megadrive on it (before I updated firmware but still can run the app that's on there), however the performance of the SNES emulator isn't great and Sonic has some input lag.
I have a Retropie for my TV, but wanted someone to go on holiday with. So very much want to go down the Retropie handheld route. This input inconsistency is the only issue I have left with it. I did have some screen border issues when I got it, but fixed that through the overscan settings. Also didn't connect to WIFI until I added the details to the networking config script for bootup. Just this one little thing left :)
One of my best friends was named Dave he was huge retro gamer, he died a couple years ago.
I would think the vita would have better snes and megadrive than the psp, my psp plays megadrive cd, I didn't try sonic. I think there is retroarch for psvita maybe it has better emulators.
I have a retropie console I've been working on as a gift for my friend. It's the best I could do and I'm pretty impressed with it. I've kind of gotten used to the script modules and everything, I don't know what i'll do when I finally give it away.
@Efriim Sorry to hear that.
I work with servers all day, so don't have a problem with all the scripts. Having the update function within Retropie is great and because there's no jailbreaking to be seen, means it's a lot easier to deal with.
After he died I was walking down the road, and I thought I saw him drive past me staring, hes the kind of person you can spot in a crowd, actually his nickname was big dave. Then there was another person that drove past that I thought I recognized, and it totally reminded me of a mario kart race.
It was such a weird day, the reason I was all the way out on the highway was because I had a vision of a nuclear bomb falling infront me, kind of small for a nuke it landed on my coffee table. It was like midnight and I take off to go to this cave on the coast, as a double I sort of wanted to test my old android phone in there, it was Droid 1 that was donated to me, it was my first android phone so, I had root and gps the thing still amazes me. I don't make it to the cave, because my truck breaks down 10 miles out and I know the cave is just another mile but instead I start walking back home, to deal with the truck breaking down. I didn't have a phone service back then.
I don't know how else to explain its weirdness. You know the run-ahead function in the newer emulators? It runs a second or third instance of the emulator a number of frames ahead and synchronizes according to your input, amazing stuff. A lot of ways life was feeling like that. This was like 7 years ago, time flies.
The screen on that retroboy looks pretty ace.
If you ever played the first two fallout games, I live on the same coast.
@Efriim wow that sounds insane. I write stories for nosleep on reddit and it sounds very similar to them!
I tried the voltage thing and get back:
I fixed it! New Raspberry Pi firmware sorted it. How weird is that! My bluetooth keyboard worked fine on it before the update, so was sure it was going to be a problem with the gamepad section.
On a new reboot (from cold) it's happening again. Emulation station is taking up 20% CPU when not doing anything. Looking it up it should only use 6%, so wonder if that's got anything to do with it.
@canispeaktodave so apparently it's my dongle for my keyboard. With it not plugged in, it has the issue, with it plugged in, it's fine. What the hell does that mean?
I thought about it for a while. You're right that should have given you the voltage back, that must not be the problem. You're the server guy, try htop, and press f6 to sort. I plugged in my RPI, it barely uses 1% on one core, until the screensavers kick in. Can you deduce what is using the cpu?
Ahh I see, you said emulationstation, I was thinking it was a pooled value for when you were in emulation station. If there isn't any labeled processes that can help us trouble shoot, did you find out if there is an arduino inside? -
@Efriim yeah there's an Arduino inside. I can see it under the battery. Could the pi be polling the USB for input? I plugged in a random dongle and it's fine. Could it be a short on the usb socket? I'm happy it works now with the dongle in. But would prefer it to work without it in.
I can't think of a lot, if there is something polling the controller constantly it should show up in htop, if you can plug in the keyboard to access the CLI...If you overclock, or overvolt the cpu. Having an undervolt could be the problem too, if the CPU cant get the power it needs it may "borrow" and drop out responsiveness to the usb or the arduino controller.
maybe check the /etc/rc.local to see if there is anything unnecessary, mine is mostly empty except for the safeshut-down-script for my case
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