Suggestions for ports
@shavecat far better
- topic:timeago-later,2 months
I have some suggestions, some of which I managed to get to run decently:-
Nuvie (for Ultima 6)
Exult (for Ultima 7 and Serpent Isle)
Pentagram (for Ultima 8)
DevilutionX (for Diablo) and
Schockolate (for System Shock)
Exult and Shockolate are a little on the slow side and needed some extra attention in the source code... not by me, mind you ;)
I'd really like to get nblood (for Blood) to run, but it doesn't compile with USE_OPENGL=0.Anyways! Keep up the excellent work!
@ecto That is some good choices you have found there for ports. How well does DevilutionX(Diablo) perform and what RPI model?
I dont't think that nblood or any other Blood source port will work on a RPI due to lack of interest and development. Maybe you could alter eduke and get it to load Blood but that would require a lot of work and even after that, it might not work completely as you want it to.
@tpo1990 I'm using a rpi3+ but I must admit, that I haven't played DevilutionX so far. The whole ports scene got me so involved, that I tried to get as many games from my past running as possible... Without playing them... ^^;
But compilation for DevilutionX was straight forward iirc, and it starts without problems when provided with the data files.
I got blood running under dosbox, but it's somewhat slow. That's why I was hoping for a ported solution. From what I understand now GL won't work but GLES would, but that has to be in the code from the beginning (which it probably isn't). And that's why rtcw works so nicely (thanks btw!)
@ecto Just the same as my experience as well although i did play a little on the ports that i managed to build into working scriptmodules for RetroPie.
At least it works in dosbox, but i think it is the same with Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow warrior as well in which the gameplay is too slow. One of the games i would like to see working would be Redneck Rampage since i have some good memories of it.
Yes GLES is the best way to get the good old pc games working, but the source port must support it in the compilation, otherwise it will fail with compiling or build into a game that can not display any graphically content on screen.
@tpo1990 there is still development for nblood, as there is still updates on github for it. now i dont know if that traslate that it would be able to be built for the Pi for not. that is not for me to say.
also i would love to see how to get Jedi Knight to run on retropie. i have seen a few things on how to build it for the Pi, but getting RetroPie to start it. that i have not been able to find. something about The OpenJK renderer requires X. not a clue what that means
@ExarKunIv Let's hope that it will.
Jedi Knight is possible to run on a Pi, but it requires the X window. X window or X11 is the environment that Raspbian Desktop is running under. Therefore anything that can only be run in X11 or X window will not be possible to run in Framebuffer environment which Emulationstation uses in RetroPie.
In short if JK only runs in X window then unfortunately we will not be able to run it in Emulationstation/RetroPie. Also the port might need additional GPU split.
The engine that Serious Sam uses is also possible to get working on a Pi but that it will require enabling OpenGL.
@tpo1990 It's a little sad so see what is possible with GLES (as in rtcw) and then have to use the software renderer, because the game is written for GL...
I read quite a bit about EDuke's possible GLES render mode, but sadly nothing came from it (exept that maybe the developers will look into properly coding a GLES implementation). Well, that would be something.
The GL/GLES/Software rendering also affects System Shock.
@ecto Yes especially if you come from the PC gaming area and used to run PC games in OpenGL mode instead of the old Software mode, then it might take some time to get used to Software mode and the limitations that it has.
If the developers of the source port makes it happen then possibly we can make it happen on a Pi. This will also require that the source port can be run in Framebuffer environment, otherwise we will only be able to launch the game from Raspbian Desktop and not directly from Emulationstation in RetroPie.
System Shock is one of the games i have never played, so cannot say anything about that one.
@tpo1990 ahh,
someone did say that they was able to do it, but did not say how, i think ill call BS on that. lol.
@tpo1990 If you're using the open source Mesa driver, you can run OpenGL (non-es) apps on Raspbian easily. While it's not yet fully compatible with RetroPie (see this old faq entry), for the Pi4 this is the only driver providing accelerated GL (either OpenGL or GLES), so it will be part of the new release supporting Pi4.
@ExarKunIv Yes or that someone left out something important ;-)
@mitu I have already tried it from a long time ago and at that time on my PI 3B it didn't run well. I think that the Pi 4B will be a game changer in supporting better accelerated GL in which more source ports will be able to run. I know i'm looking forward to it.
I was going to ask for a port of Ion Fury but it's already available on retropie-setup. Runs too slow as is on my oc'd pi4 but changing to software renderer makes it faster but uglier. Oh, well..
openarena does not work anymore from raspbian lite buster
upon running it,the os stucks
i use this method for years now:
sudo apt-get install openarena
sudo dpkg -i ./ioquake3_99.1.36-rpi01_armhf.debto run: sudo /usr/games/openarena
tpo1990 any ideas?
@retropi19 It looks like you are trying to install a deb file.
Try looking on the Openarena website and see if you can find a newer
installation file and see if it that works. You could also try to download and compile from the latest source.Do you get any sort of errors when trying to run openarena?
no error just a mini window like running the game in the top left corner and the os stucks
cannot find any newer deb of ioquake3 engine in raspbian stretch works perfect
@retropi19 Maybe your RetroPie system is missing some important dependencies that openarena requires.
It could also be, that it tries to run the game with OpenGL and that it has not been enabled on your RPI otherwise your best bet would probably be to compile from source to get it working again.
- topic:timeago-later,14 days
tpo1990 do you happen to know how many are the systems/games you can put on a pi-zero until it starts to loosing it? (lagging,no loading,crashing etc) what is the limit?
@retropi19 I cannot say as i don't own a Pi Zero, but i would think that the hardware specifications on the Pi Zero will show the limit as to what games runs smooth or not.
You can see it when comparing ex. Pi 3B with a Pi Zero where it is known that a Pi Zero will not be able to run PSX games like the Pi 3B will. I know for infact that i reached the limit with trying to run Aliens versus Predator
1999 after i was able to compile and make it working. It was really slow like 1-5 fps max which i suspect the opengl renderer for. -
pi zero can run really good psx games with the pcsx rearmed emulator not the lr one the other one,i was trying in the berryboot image of retropie for zero that apparently is problematic compared to the normal version that the bugs simply are not there.
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