lr-atari800, 5200, artifacting, BASIC, and other guidance
@jamrom2 Aw, thanks for the kind words. I did put in a lot of time, so it is always nice to get positive feedback!
Alas, there is not yet an easy way to swap disks. The built-in multidisk system in Retropie doesn't work on the Atari 8 bits yet.
@rkoster is there any kind of usable method at all? I've tried using an m3u file, that didn't work... and I can't imagine having all my games unzipped in one list. That would look like a mess.
I even tried using folders, which works good... but you can't assign graphics to a my list is blank for meta data on those titles.
@jamrom2 You can do it via the emulator's own menu, which has all sorts of disk management. But there isn't a way to do it with a single keystroke.
Also, as I mention in the guide, be sure to back up your second disks, as often they have save games and get overwritten and the like.
@rkoster will do. Thank you!
@rkoster Hiya.
I had this working fine. Not sure what I changed... but now I can't seem to run anything without the artifacting on. Every game has it on, and I seem to be locked into CITA no matter what I select
I tried starting from scratch, but no help.
So no matter what mode I in the Launch menu, I get this in lr-atari800's menus.
- In the lr-atari800 core ... under Options - "Hi-Res Artifacting" is "ON"
- In the lr-Atari800 emulator menu (F1) - Display Settings - Video Art*: old NTSC
NTSC artifacting mode: CITA
Any ideas?
Here's my runcommand.log
/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/atari800/Drol (1983)(Broderbund).zip
Launching with GTIA artifacting.
Executing: /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-atari800/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/atari800/retroarch.cfg "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/atari800/Drol (1983)(Broderbund).zip" --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg
[libretro-atari800]: Got size: 336 x 240.
[libretro-atari800]: Got size: 336 x 240.
[libretro-atari800]: Got size: 336 x 240.
[libretro-atari800]: Got size: 336 x 240.
Using Atari800 config file: /home/pi/.lr-atari800.cfg
Created by Atari 800 Emulator, Version 3.1.0Core init
First retrun to main thread!
port(3)=1 -
@jamrom2 I haven't had to mess with this in some time -- and I have not updated my Retropie either.
That said -- didn't I see that there was an update recently to lr-atari800 that moved the location of the
file? If so, my script may need to be updated. -
@rkoster yes, there has been. It's using lr-atari800.cfg in the same folder...
but I still can't figure out how I am locked into one setting no matter what I choose. It there something that over-writes?
Also, I noticed something odd... when I open the file above.. the statement ARTIFACT_NTSC_MODE=NONE keeps getting changed to "0ONE" with a zero instead of an "N".
So trying to figure this out, I'm looking for the path that everything follows. What reads first to tell lr-Atari800 what to do, then where does your script fit in?
Somewhere in that chain it's broken and not displaying what is being asked of it.
@jamrom2 My script basically looks at the filename of the ROM before you load it, and modifies the atari800.cfg on the fly to match what the filename wants. Then it ends and launches the emulator, which loads the way it would normally -- but of course, its settings were changed out from under it.
The fact that your .cfg is changing means something else is writing to it. Do you by any chance have "save on exit" enabled in the Retroarch menus, or something?
@rkoster yes, that could be it. I'll look at that as well.
I can see the script is working, the emulator is somehow passing over the final graphics selection.
I'll start there and keep playing with it. It's most likely something very simple somewhere . The games work, it's just the video that's the problem.
@rkoster so after a serious amount of testing and tweaking this morning. I have the reason why this is not working, but I can't seem to fix it.
The retroarch-core-options.cfg file is not updating to reflect the request of the script.
The script works fine. It posts the "echo" command in the runcommond.log as it's supposed to. Runs the correct mode, and updates the "ARTIFACT" settings area in lr-atari800.cfg to the requested mode. So I see whatever mode I select in the game fine.... until I don't want it on.
But the first line of retroarch-core-options.cfg never changes when you select the default lr-atari800 mode. It always says "enabled" unless I manual change it to "disabled", then of course it stays disabled until I change it manually again.
I've lowered the permissions of the folder and file to 777, so it's able to work with it. I see the time-signature change as if it's looking at the file, but the information remains the same. No changes.
I didn't have this issue before lr-atari800 was updated... so something has changed... or I have a permission wrong. Not sure what I missed.
@jamrom2 Thanks for the additional info! Can you try some things for me?
First, can you verify that the line in
is stillatari800_artifacting
?Second, can you see if it's really just that line, or any line at all? Try an OSa vs OSb game, does
change as it should? Or for other games,atari800_internalbasic
? Oratari800_ntscpal?
Basically, I'm trying to figure out whether it's artifacting only, or whether the whole script is broken... It sure sounds like the whole file isn't editable by the script for some reason.
@rkoster Yes, still atari800 is on every line...
atari800_artifacting = "enabled"
atari800_cassboot = "disabled"
atari800_internalbasic = "disabled"
atari800_keyboard = "poll"
atari800_ntscpal = "NTSC"
atari800_opt1 = "disabled"
atari800_opt2 = "disabled"
atari800_resolution = "336x240"
atari800_sioaccel = "enabled"
atari800_system = "130XE (128K)"And yes... I agree. Now that I've been testing games, I noticed many don't work that require BASIC or OSb. Hellcat Ace is one, as well as Crush Crumble and Chomp.
If you need help, let me know. I'm happy to. I don't want to just dump this one on you. You've done a great job of making this emulator work really well.
@jamrom2 OK, ruling out more issues...
First, let's see if the script is editing the right location. Can you verify this path is where your core options file lives?
Second, if
is now namedlr-atari800.cfg
then all the lines like this:sed -i 's/DISABLE\_BASIC=.*/DISABLE\_BASIC=0/g' /opt/retropie/configs/atari800/atari800.cfg
in the script will need changed to have the correct path and name for that file. If the path is the same, that means it'd be
sed -i 's/DISABLE\_BASIC=.*/DISABLE\_BASIC=0/g' /opt/retropie/configs/atari800/lr-atari800.cfg
If the file location moved with the updated core, then the whole path would need to change as well as the filename. There's like a dozen places in the script where that update would need to be made to point at the correct location for
.Apologies for having you do all this testing and checking, but I'm not able to work on my setup just now -- maybe this weekend. But I am hopeful it's just a path error resulting from the update to the emu core.
@rkoster I'm happy to help.
My retroarch-core-options.cfg lives in /opt/retropie/configs/atari800/ .
I don't see it in the location you posted. I will put it there to test. The rest of the locations you mentioned I have already changed hoping that would effect something.
Let me see if moving that file does anything.
Sorry... correction from above... yes.. I see the file in the location you posted. I have two now. One in that location, and one in /opt/retropie/configs/atari800.
@jamrom2 One of those is overriding the other, I bet.
You could try:
- deleting the one in
(Make a backup copy first of course). - editing the script to change all references to
I wonder if an update moved the location of retroarach-core-options.cfg... the docs do not seem to indicate so.
- deleting the one in
@rkoster said in lr-atari800, 5200, artifacting, BASIC, and other guidance:
Nice work! That did the trick. The location in the script needs to be updated from /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg to /opt/retropie/configs/atari800/retroarch-core-options.cfg
I tested a few different games that use BASIC, OSb and all different Artificating. They all worked and it's switching in and out of the artifacting as it should.
Flight Simulator II #2 Artifacting
Hellcat Ace - OSb and BASIC
Micro League Baseball CITA Artifiacting
Crush, Crumble and Chomp - OSb and BASIC #1 Artifacting
MULE - nothing -
@rkoster said in lr-atari800, 5200, artifacting, BASIC, and other guidance:
Hey @mitu, do you happen to know? If I update the script, I want to make sure it's correct.
I haven't followed the recent discussion, but yes - by default RetroArch will use a separate options file (
) per-core, instead of a single file (/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg
). However, the RetroPie default configuration doesn't enable this option. This doesn't prevent the situation when the user will reset the RetroArch's configuration to default and this option will be automatically enabled.On a related note, the next RetroArch version (1.9.1) has a new 'save core options per content folder' option which will make it easier to maintain separate core options for each folder, without extra configurations necessary.
@mitu Ah, OK. I suppose I can modify both locations just in case, or check the option and modify the appropriate location... Blah.
Getting to be time to modify the actual core to do what this script does, maybe. :D I've been putting it off... A lot of people use this script now!
And it occurs to me that having separate core configs per content folder won't solve the Atari 8 bit problems, because this script modifies both the core options and the core's own config file in order to get to all the settings. hmm.
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