Soul Reaver Resets on Lr-Flycast
Agree, cdi's are not the best way to go. You don't really know what got stripped out or compressed to get the image to fit on a 700mb CD.
Changing to a .GDI image seems to have fixed this.
.GDI images have several associated files. Is there a neater wa y to store them?
@George-Spiggott Run..
sudo apt-get install mame-tools
Then you can package the GDI (and its associated files) with chdman. For example..
chdman createcd --input MVC2.gdi --output MVC2.chd
The .chd can then be placed in roms/dreamcast/, and you can delete the GDI and the other files.
You can also download chdman here:
If you would rather run it from a Windows PC. Just place the .exe and .bat file into the same folder as the game files and double click the .bat file.
I converted the file but the converted .CHD file (not the original .GDI) resets back to the retropie menu when I load the game.
The .CHD file works fine on my PC with Lr-Flycast.
I pulled this from the runcommand.log
Executing: /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-flycast/ </dev/null --config /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/retroarch.cfg "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/dreamcast/Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver v1.000 (1999)(EIDOS)(NTSC)(US)[!].chd" --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg
/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ line 1247: 1924 Bus error /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-flycast/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/retroarch.cfg "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/dreamcast/Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver v1.000 (1999)(EIDOS)(NTSC)(US)[!].chd" --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg < /dev/null -
@George-Spiggott I've also seen that bus error, but with MVC2 on flycast. I'll give Reaver a try and see if I get the same result. Would be good to confirm, and then report it (if it hasn't already been). But for reference, MVC2 (in CHD format) will crash in all 3 emulators at some point. Seems like there's an underlying hardware issue that messes up vmu writes, and the bug might only reveal itself when using CHD format. The maintainer of the redream codebase is looking into it.
This is good info to see the same log from another CHD file. Now I'm thinking it's probably worth re-testing MVC2 with the GDI directly to see if the behavior is any different.
@George-Spiggott I packaged my Soul Reaver GDI into a CHD, and ran it in flycast with widescreen cheats enabled. I did not observe a crash. I'm wondering if there's a combination of settings that causes the crash for you. Can you post the contents of the following files?
/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/retroarch.cfg Also, if you're on a Pi 4, feel free to send a link to your flycast binary (under /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-flycast/ I'll give it a try on mine.. if it fails, you can try mine (which currently works).
And as a side note, I didn't see any difference with respect to MVC2 crashing.. doesn't seem to matter if the game is packaged as a CHD or not. So I would say the issues observed with these 2 games are different.
@rejesterd No problem.
Contents of: /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg
cap32_autorun = "enabled"
cap32_combokey = "y"
cap32_Model = "6128"
cap32_Ram = "128"
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fbneo-dipswitch-eswat-Coin_A = "1 Coin 1 Credit"
fbneo-dipswitch-eswat-Coin_B = "1 Coin 1 Credit"
fbneo-dipswitch-eswat-Demo_Sounds = "On"
fbneo-dipswitch-eswat-Difficulty = "Normal"
fbneo-dipswitch-eswat-Flip_Screen = "Off"
fbneo-dipswitch-eswat-Lives = "3"
fbneo-dipswitch-eswat-Time = "Normal"
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fbneo-dipswitch-mpatrol-Coinage = "1 Coin 1 Credits"
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fbneo-dipswitch-mpatrol-Sector_Selection_(Cheat) = "Off"
fbneo-dipswitch-mpatrol-Service_Mode = "Off"
fbneo-dipswitch-mpatrol-Stop_Mode_(Cheat) = "Off"
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fbneo-load-subsystem-from-parent = "enabled"
fbneo-sample-interpolation = "4-point 3rd order"
fbneo-samplerate = "48000"
fbneo-vertical-mode = "disabled"
fuse_machine = "Spectrum 128K"
gambatte_gb_colorization = "custom"
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mame2003_dcs-speedhack = "enabled"
mame2003_samples = "enabled"
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mame_current_sample_rate = "48000Hz"
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mame_current_turbo_delay = "medium"
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mupen64plus-43screensize = "320x240"
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mupen64plus-astick-deadzone = "15"
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mupen64plus-EnableCopyColorToRDRAM = "Off"
mupen64plus-EnableCopyDepthToRDRAM = "Software"
mupen64plus-EnableFBEmulation = "True"
mupen64plus-EnableFragmentDepthWrite = "False"
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mupen64plus-EnableLegacyBlending = "True"
mupen64plus-EnableNativeResTexrects = "False"
mupen64plus-EnableShadersStorage = "True"
mupen64plus-l-cbutton = "C2"
mupen64plus-MultiSampling = "0"
mupen64plus-pak1 = "memory"
mupen64plus-pak2 = "none"
mupen64plus-pak3 = "none"
mupen64plus-pak4 = "none"
mupen64plus-r-cbutton = "C1"
mupen64plus-rspmode = "HLE"
mupen64plus-txEnhancementMode = "None"
mupen64plus-txFilterIgnoreBG = "True"
mupen64plus-txFilterMode = "None"
mupen64plus-txHiresEnable = "False"
mupen64plus-txHiresFullAlphaChannel = "False"
mupen64plus-u-cbutton = "C4"
pce_adpcmvolume = "100"
pce_cddavolume = "100"
pce_cdpsgvolume = "100"
pce_cdspeed = "1"
pce_disable_softreset = "disabled"
pce_fast_cdbios = "System Card 3"
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pce_hoverscan = "352"
pce_initial_scanline = "3"
pce_last_scanline = "242"
pce_mouse_sensitivity = "1.25"
pce_nospritelimit = "disabled"
pce_ocmultiplier = "1"
pce_turbo_delay = "3"
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pce_turbo_toggling = "disabled"
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pcsx_rearmed_bios = "auto"
pcsx_rearmed_display_internal_fps = "disabled"
pcsx_rearmed_dithering = "enabled"
pcsx_rearmed_drc = "disabled"
pcsx_rearmed_duping_enable = "enabled"
pcsx_rearmed_frameskip = "0"
pcsx_rearmed_gteregsunneeded = "disabled"
pcsx_rearmed_gunconadjustratiox = "1"
pcsx_rearmed_gunconadjustratioy = "1"
pcsx_rearmed_gunconadjustx = "0"
pcsx_rearmed_gunconadjusty = "0"
pcsx_rearmed_idiablofix = "disabled"
pcsx_rearmed_inuyasha_fix = "disabled"
pcsx_rearmed_memcard2 = "disabled"
pcsx_rearmed_multitap1 = "auto"
pcsx_rearmed_multitap2 = "auto"
pcsx_rearmed_negcon_deadzone = "0"
pcsx_rearmed_negcon_response = "linear"
pcsx_rearmed_neon_enhancement_enable = "disabled"
pcsx_rearmed_neon_enhancement_no_main = "enabled"
pcsx_rearmed_neon_interlace_enable = "disabled"
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pcsx_rearmed_spuirq = "disabled"
pcsx_rearmed_vibration = "enabled"
ppsspp_audio_latency = "low"
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reicast_trigger_deadzone = "0%"
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reicast_vmu1_pixel_on_color = "DEFAULT_ON 00"
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reicast_vmu2_pixel_on_color = "DEFAULT_ON 00"
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reicast_vmu2_screen_position = "Upper Left"
reicast_vmu2_screen_size_mult = "1x"
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reicast_vmu3_pixel_on_color = "DEFAULT_ON 00"
reicast_vmu3_screen_display = "disabled"
reicast_vmu3_screen_opacity = "100%"
reicast_vmu3_screen_position = "Upper Left"
reicast_vmu3_screen_size_mult = "1x"
reicast_vmu4_pixel_off_color = "DEFAULT_OFF 01"
reicast_vmu4_pixel_on_color = "DEFAULT_ON 00"
reicast_vmu4_screen_display = "disabled"
reicast_vmu4_screen_opacity = "100%"
reicast_vmu4_screen_position = "Upper Left"
reicast_vmu4_screen_size_mult = "1x"
reicast_volume_modifier_enable = "enabled"
reicast_widescreen_cheats = "enabled"
reicast_widescreen_hack = "enabled"Contents of: /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/retroarch.cfg
Settings made here will only override settings in the global retroarch.cfg if placed above the #include line
input_remapping_directory = "/opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/"
video_shared_context = true
#include "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg" -
@George-Spiggott I tried with your settings, but I was still able to launch the game. So maybe if you can get the same flycast version as me, it might work.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to check the version of flycast. Anyone reading this know how to do that? Silly that it's not printed in the verbose log (unless I missed it).
@rejesterd It should tell you when you open up the retroarch menu in game (hotkey+x). Usually displays at the bottom for me.
@quicksilver said in Soul Reaver Resets on Lr-Flycast:
Usually displays at the bottom for me.
That's changed at some point, so in 1.8.4 you can't see it anymore. It should be available in the Information -> System Information menu, at the bottom of the screen:
Thanks @quicksilver and @mitu.. found it under Quick Menu > Information. It's 1.8.4 - Flycast (0.1 fb7d277).
@rejesterd I have just updated it, I'm on 1.8.4 (0.1 c59eac05). No change.
@George-Spiggott You still have an older version than me. c59eac05 is from Feb 6th, and mine is actually the very next commit on Feb 7th:
Feb 8th is when I actually installed mine. But if you just updated from source today, that's odd you would still have that older version. Maybe you need to update your retropie-setup script before doing the flycast update?
@George-Spiggott Just for reference, I built your flycast version on my system, but I'm still unable to reproduce the issue when I enable widescreen cheats and widescreen hacks.
Have you tried disabling all your overclock settings temporarily to see if that allows the game to launch?
Edit: Also, can you post the contents of /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg? This is being referenced by the dreamcast cfg file. I think those are the only settings I haven't matched to yours thus far.
@rejesterd I have not, the game loads as a .CDI and .GDI so after I have attempted another update and tested that I will try turning off the overclocking. I think only the GPU overclock is benefiting the game anyway.
However another matter has arisen. I've been playing the .GDI version which runs perfectly with widescreen cheats/hacks. When you get the Reaver blade in the game it does not position itself in Raziel's hand as it should but instead floats a few centimetres off to one side. As a result I'm probably going to play the game in stretched 4:3 rather than 16:9
I'll stick with fixing this .CHD problem though because the benefits of 50%+ reduction in file size and higher fidelity of the ROMS is definitely worth the effort in the long term.
@George-Spiggott Ah, so when you don't have the GDI packaged as a CHD, the game works ok (except for the blade-in-hand issue). I'm wondering if it's the way you're packaging the CHD. Did you package it on your PC or did you run chdman directly on the pi?
I packaged it on my PC using the method suggested by Quicksilver earlier in the thread.
Yeah, usually either packaging method works fine. I can only tell you I used chdman on the pi to package mine, and it works with your version and settings. Might be worth a shot, but I really don't see what chdman on Windows could be doing differently.
@rejesterd I updated the retropie script and updated Lr-Flycast again. I'm now on 1.8.4 (0.1 b018b13).
The .CHD version of SR works fine now. Sadly I am playing it with widescreen off. I suspect the Reaver positioning is either very difficult or impossible to fix as I'm sure it is a bug in the game not in Lr-Flycast so there doesn't seem much point in reporting it as a bug.
Thanks for everyone's help. Now to upgrade all my .CDI roms.
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