[DOSBox] official thread
@Ashpool a far as I understand it the 3dfx implementation in Staging is software only. So no need for a wrapper.
@ecto said in [DOSBox] official thread:
I'm somewhat following the Dosbox Staging development and I'm thrilled to see that there will be 3dfx support in the (near?) future.
=> 3dfx support has been merged to the
branch. You can already give it a try if you want otherwise it will be part of the next release (0.81). Implementation is well done and the 3dfx card is enabled by default hence no need to fiddle with your confs. All you need is to patch your game(s) with the 3dfx binary.Do you maybe have a feeling if that's something a Pi4 can handle? I haven't found that info in the Dosbox Staging wiki so far and I'm still hoping that this might me doable.
=> answer is straightforward: no it doesn't run well on Pi4. Yet there is notable exception like Descent 2 which runs great on 3dfx. Most games tested like Tomb Raider are running around ~10fps which is not that bad all things considered. Carmageddon, Screamer 2 and Rally are a slideshow.
Btw. a really great and informative Wiki!!
=> It's a team effort but thanks! A section for 3dfx has been added to the wiki.
@Ashpool as @ecto mentioned 3dfx implementation is software only as of typing. Plans exist to add more backends/renderers (eg. NEON) but no ETA. You could find more details on the PR.
@nemo93 thanks for your answer! I was thinking that much. Of course a wrapper to gl or something like that would make it much faster, but considering that there are not that many DOS-only 3dfx games it's probably too much to ask. My goal is to play Pył at some point in the future.
Btw I am using Openglide for some games under wine and got some pretty decent fps with that (much better than d3d). Sadly it's not developed anymore.
Yeah, I love the wiki and always come back to look for more tips on optimizing games (graphics and sound wise).
Dosbox (staging) is so much better that the real DOS from the olden days it's not even funny...
@ecto said in [DOSBox] official thread:
Dosbox (staging) is so much better that the real DOS from the olden days it's not even funny...
Oh, come on... the good ol' schoolyard talks about tweaking and configuring autoexec.bat and config.sys, it is a long time ago, but IIRIR, sometimes I had at least half a dozen entry points as menu options within my config.sys and don't know how many sub-entries... be it special cases for certain games like xwing, general ones, etc. ,386 noems/ems, choices of mouse and cd driver, variations of buffer, files and who_remember_what_else_settings there was to consider... Nowadays there's just with dosbox (whatsoever) it's config/setting... but in old times, it was so frustrating, but also satisfactory doing this (you where bound to the hardware you had) .... ah, memory-lane...
@Ashpool yeah, I did that, too! Although I needed your post to remember me of the config.sys / autoexec.bat menu options... :D
What program was it that optimized the loading order of the drivers to squeeze out every last kb out of the free low memory? I forgot that, too.And of course it was cool and satisfactory... and also sometimes very frustrating. Yet, I wouldn't want to miss that time. In the end it now helps understanding what has to be done to configure games in dosbox.
But it's so much easier now to get a game to run and I like that very much. It leaves more time to get even more games to run ;)
@ecto said in [DOSBox] official thread:
What program was it that optimized the loading order of the drivers to squeeze out every last kb out of the free low memory? I forgot that, too
Ouch, you have me there... AFAIR I always ordered 'em myself... only think I remember as one of the culprits/nodal points in the config was the "DEVICEHIGH=" to put 'em drivers in the upper memory ... But I know of no app/program that was optimizing load order/memory settings for you/on your behalfe. ... If you can remember that prog/app, i would be really interested in it! (and be it by just coming to know of what I have missed out as an opportunity)
@ecto said in [DOSBox] official thread:
But it's so much easier now to get a game to run and I like that very much. It leaves more time to get even more games to run ;)
Has anyone had good results getting the original Need For Speed MS-DOS game to work smoothly with DOSBox Staging on a RPI4? The graphics are jerky, like a low frame rate. I think I've tried changing every setting in the .conf file with no success but maybe I've missed something. Graphics performance for this game is much better with the original DOSBox and DOSBox Pure, however, I'd prefer to use Dosbox Staging if possible.
@CARRisma Hi! As with everything DOS, it depends what you mean by "smoothly" :-) NFS (or NFS Special Edition) will work fine on a Pi4 with Staging yet don't expect them to run at a constant frame rate. They are fully playable though which is the most important. Last time I tested I got close to what's shown in
I do run the game (NFSSE) without any specific settings whatsoever. I'm running with Staging's default. You can find the optimized default settings for a Pi on that page. Also this section even if it's no longer relevant with latest
.I have to mention that's it's been a while since I've done a full test session with Staging. A lot has been added/fixed/changed as usual to the point it's hard to follow!
If despite the above default settings you're still facing issue(s) please provide as much details about your config (Pi4 with Retropie default image?) and setup (Staging latest master or stable? what are your current setting(s)? etc).
Can someone point me to the ideal settings / core options for an rpi4 running lr-dosbox pure?
I’m getting poor performance / laggy graphics / stuttering. In shadow warrior the stats show (during gameplay): Speed: 100% Dos: 1024x768@70fps Actual: 70fps. Drawn: between 6-10fps Cycles: between 60-70k. (Dynrec)
This is odd because in my graphics mode I chose 1024 @ 60fps.
I also tried the core option of forcing 60fps.
/opt/retropie/configs/retroarch-core-options.cfg shows:
dosbox_pure_aspect_correction = "true" dosbox_pure_audiorate = "48000" dosbox_pure_auto_mapping = "true" dosbox_pure_auto_target = "0.9" dosbox_pure_bind_unused = "true" dosbox_pure_bootos_dfreespace = "1024" dosbox_pure_bootos_forcenormal = "false" dosbox_pure_bootos_ramdisk = "false" dosbox_pure_cga = "early_auto" dosbox_pure_conf = "false" dosbox_pure_cpu_core = "auto" dosbox_pure_cpu_type = "auto" dosbox_pure_cycle_limit = "1.0" dosbox_pure_cycles = "auto" dosbox_pure_cycles_scale = "1.0" dosbox_pure_force60fps = "true" dosbox_pure_gus = "false" dosbox_pure_hercules = "white" dosbox_pure_joystick_analog_deadzone = "15" dosbox_pure_joystick_timed = "true" dosbox_pure_keyboard_layout = "us" dosbox_pure_latency = "default" dosbox_pure_machine = "svga" dosbox_pure_memory_size = "32" dosbox_pure_menu_time = "5" dosbox_pure_menu_transparency = "50" dosbox_pure_midi = "scummvm/extra/Roland_SC-55.sf2" dosbox_pure_mouse_input = "true" dosbox_pure_mouse_speed_factor = "1.0" dosbox_pure_mouse_speed_factor_x = "1.0" dosbox_pure_mouse_wheel = "67/68" dosbox_pure_on_screen_keyboard = "true" dosbox_pure_perfstats = "detailed" dosbox_pure_savestate = "on" dosbox_pure_sblaster_adlib_emu = "default" dosbox_pure_sblaster_adlib_mode = "auto" dosbox_pure_sblaster_conf = "A220 I7 D1 H5" dosbox_pure_sblaster_type = "sb16" dosbox_pure_svga = "svga_s3" dosbox_pure_voodoo = "12mb" dosbox_pure_voodoo_perf = "1"
This post is deleted! -
@nemo93 said in [DOSBox] official thread:
@CARRisma Hi! As with everything DOS, it depends what you mean by "smoothly" :-) NFS (or NFS Special Edition) will work fine on a Pi4 with Staging yet don't expect them to run at a constant frame rate. They are fully playable though which is the most important. Last time I tested I got close to what's shown in
I do run the game (NFSSE) without any specific settings whatsoever. I'm running with Staging's default. You can find the optimized default settings for a Pi on that page. Also this section even if it's no longer relevant with latest
.I have to mention that's it's been a while since I've done a full test session with Staging. A lot has been added/fixed/changed as usual to the point it's hard to follow!
If despite the above default settings you're still facing issue(s) please provide as much details about your config (Pi4 with Retropie default image?) and setup (Staging latest master or stable? what are your current setting(s)? etc).
Hi, what I mean is the FPS seems low. It runs, but the graphics are not smooth. Even when the camera zooms it at the beginning of the levels, it is jerky, as well as the tachometer needle. This isn't a problem when running the original DOSBox or DOSBox Pure.
NFS SE is a tad different to the original NFS, back in the day, I always preferred the orginal NFS over SE. Also, SE was Windows based (possibly with a DOS based version too?).
I'm using the standard config at:
But I have tried tweaking all the setting to no avail.
I'm using a standard RetroPie 4.8 image running on 8gb RPI4 Model B and using DOSBox Staging installed from source rather than binary so should be up to date.
The first Need For speed is available and for PlayStation 1 with tha name Road & Track Presents - The Need for Speed .
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
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