PS1 Game Starts then Stops
I am able to play the other Playstation 1 games I have on the system. When I start the game I can see the screen overlay and hear some of the audio. The game then stops and goes back to emulationstation. I have pretty much the same issue for the European version. When I load the European version it shows the Piracy warning screen and the overlay then it goes back to emulationstation.
Pi Model or other hardware: Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB in Argon One Case
Power Supply used: Argon One Power Supply
RetroPie Version Used (eg 3.6, 3.8.1, 4.1 - do not write latest): RetroPie 4.6
Built From: (Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website, Berryboot, or on top of existing OS etc.. - please provide the filename of any image used): Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website - retropie-buster-4.6-rpi4.img
USB Devices connected: 1 controller, 1 keyboard
Controller used: TTX Tech Wired USB Controller Compatible with PC, Black - PlayStation 3
Error messages received: No error message shown
Log found in /dev/shm/runcommand.log (if relevant):
Emulator: lr-pcsx-rearmed
Attachment of config files: emulators.cfg from PSX folder -
retroarch.cfg from PSX folder - -
I was able to get a picture of the error message when the game crashes. Anyone have any ideas?
(image url
There some games that doesn't work with the ir-pcsx-rearmed core. I think Psybadek is one of them.
I was test it in a Pi 3 and it crash too.
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