Tutorial: Handheld and Plug & Play systems with MAME
Yes , I agree with you we should keep .7z also.
@Folly OK, I understand. I know I'm not typical in using the "parse gamelist only" setting. I'll edit in duplicate entries for all the gamelists with .7z instead of .zip.
Edit: Done. All four gamelist.xml files now have .7z in them too. I left the original gamelists in there too renamed to say "(no .7z)" in the filename. You can remove them if you want but I thought maybe you'd want to leave them if people preferred that version. I understand it might overcomplicate things though.
@duglor said in Tutorial: Handheld and Plug & Play systems with MAME:
@bbilford83 I would love to see casio game & watch and handhelds reproduced, like western bar or drunken sheriff ;)
Sorry I missed this before. Can't help you there though, I am as amateur as they come with this stuff :). I will say looking up info about these handhelds made me realize that the percentage of them we have emulated is a teeny drop in the bucket. It's amazing how many were made.
tsimquest and tmegaman3 videos are now in the gamelist folder
In the second post, they promoted to working. -
D DTEAM referenced this topic on
@DTEAM are those 2 game n watch? thanks
@Retrodade They're tiger handhelds.
Thank you. -
New systems added in the konamih and classich gamelist files related to MAME 0.259 (logo, system and video)
Bandai U-Boat [hap, Sean Riddle, eggs] ROM name= UBOAT
Konami Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle, Mr. Do] ROM Name = KST25
Konami Top Gun: Second Mission (handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle] ROM NAME = KTOPGUN2MAME Artworks for KST25 and KTOPGUN2 are in this folder
You can use Folly script to install them
Nice, thanks !
MAME 0.260 is now released
No new system are proposed for the systems proposed in this thread. -
New systems added for "all_in1" gamelist file related to MAME 0.261 (logo, system and video)
dreamGEAR My Arcade Plug And Play 220 Game Retro Controller (DGUN-2959) [TeamEurope, ChinnyVision] DGUN2959
Game Zone II 128-in-1 [TeamEurope, David Haywood] GAMEZN2
Lexibook Noddy's TV Console [David Haywood, TeamEurope] LXNODDY
Lexibook Super TV Air Jet 6-in-1 (Lexibook Junior) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] LXAIRJET
Play Vision / Taikee Racing Challenge - 8 Games In 1 [David Haywood, TeamEurope] RACECHL8
Play Vision Joystick88 [TeamEurope, David Haywood] 88IN1JOY
WinFun / JungleTac Motorcycle 30-in-1 [TeamEurope, David Haywood] WFMOTORYou can use Folly script to install them
New systems added for "all_in1" and "tigerh" gamelists files related to MAME 0.262 (logo, system and video)all_in1
Driver ga888 (Block Game & Echo Key GA888) [azya52, David Haywood]
Driver brke23p2 (Brick Game 96 in 1 (E-23 Plus Mark II)) [azya52, David Haywood]tigerh
Driver tpitfight (Pit-Fighter (Tiger)) [algestam, Sean Riddle, hap]You can use Folly script to install those gamelists.
@DTEAM said in Tutorial: Handheld and Plug & Play systems with MAME:
Driver ga888 (Block Game & Echo Key GA888) [azya52, David Haywood]
Driver brke23p2 (Brick Game 96 in 1 (E-23 Plus Mark II)) [azya52, David Haywood]Moved the drivers :
https://github.com/FollyMaddy/RetroPie-Share/commit/fb5bda6c076d6ee908893d716fc9707410f97c5dUpdating the script will also update the database.
New systems added for "tigerh" gamelists files related to MAME 0.263 (logo, system and video)
Driver tmigmax (Mighty Max (Tiger)) [algestam, Sean Riddle, hap]
Driver tddragon2 (Double Dragon II: The Revenge (Tiger)) [algestam, Sean Riddle, hap]For Double Dragon II: The Revenge, I'm waiting the tddragon2 artworks from here . The gamelist is incomplete for now for this game.
You can use Folly script to install that gamelist.
D DTEAM referenced this topic on
the gamelist is now completed for tddragon2 (system, logo, video)
D DTEAM referenced this topic on
Systems added to the "All in one" gamelist.xml and to the module-script generator:
Jungle Soft Classic Max Pocket Mx-10 - 12 in 1 (vertical) [TeamEurope, David Haywood, AJR] --> cmpmx10
YSN GameU Joint TV Bank 108-in-1 (model AH9069) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] --> gujtv108
Classic Max Pocket PCMX11 - 12 in 1 Colour Games Console (horizontal, France) -->cmpmx11
Portable Game Station 268-in-1 [David Haywood, AJR] --> pgs268
Millennium Arcade 101 (M489) (Game Station 2 101-in-1) --> marc101
265-in-1 Handheld Game (SPG2xx based) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] --> 265games
Digital Pocket Hand Held System 230-in-1 - Model 8630 / Model 8633 [David Haywood] --> dphh8630
dreamGEAR My Arcade Gamer Mini 160-in-1 (DGUN-2953) [David Haywood]
--> dgun2953
Fizz Creations Arcade Classics Mini Handheld Arcade --> supreme
Fizz Creations Mini Arcade Console (Arcade 10-in-1) [David Haywood] --> arcade10
Millennium 2000 GmbH Millennium Arcade 250 --> marc250
Orb Retro Arcade Game Controller 153-in-1 [David Haywood] --> ragc153
Orb Retro Handheld Console 152-in-1 [David Haywood] --> rhhc152New edit: VG Pocket Tablet (VG-4000) --> vgtablet has also been added
@DTEAM said in Tutorial: Handheld and Plug & Play systems with MAME:
Systems added to the "All in one" gamelist.xml and to the module-script generator:
Jungle Soft Classic Max Pocket Mx-10 - 12 in 1 (vertical) [TeamEurope, David Haywood, AJR] --> cmpmx10
YSN GameU Joint TV Bank 108-in-1 (model AH9069) [TeamEurope, David Haywood] --> gujtv108
Classic Max Pocket PCMX11 - 12 in 1 Colour Games Console (horizontal, France) -->cmpmx11
Portable Game Station 268-in-1 [David Haywood, AJR] --> pgs268
Millennium Arcade 101 (M489) (Game Station 2 101-in-1) --> marc101
265-in-1 Handheld Game (SPG2xx based) [David Haywood, TeamEurope] --> 265games
Digital Pocket Hand Held System 230-in-1 - Model 8630 / Model 8633 [David Haywood] --> dphh8630
dreamGEAR My Arcade Gamer Mini 160-in-1 (DGUN-2953) [David Haywood]
--> dgun2953
Fizz Creations Arcade Classics Mini Handheld Arcade --> supreme
Fizz Creations Mini Arcade Console (Arcade 10-in-1) [David Haywood] --> arcade10
Millennium 2000 GmbH Millennium Arcade 250 --> marc250
Orb Retro Arcade Game Controller 153-in-1 [David Haywood] --> ragc153
Orb Retro Handheld Console 152-in-1 [David Haywood] --> rhhc152New edit: VG Pocket Tablet (VG-4000) --> vgtablet has also been added
I'm assuming the Mame set has not been issued yet?
@Retrodade said in Tutorial: Handheld and Plug & Play systems with MAME:
I'm assuming the Mame set has not been issued yet?
The latest set that has been issued is 273.
Search for : "MAME Sets & Datfiles" -
@Folly said in Tutorial: Handheld and Plug & Play systems with MAME:
MAME Sets & Datfiles
Thanks, I updated and updated MAME but they boot back. Do I need to add the Datfile somewhere as well? I seen pi didn't say MAME had an update, so am I trying to0 early perhaps?
@Retrodade said in Tutorial: Handheld and Plug & Play systems with MAME:
@Folly said in Tutorial: Handheld and Plug & Play systems with MAME:
MAME Sets & Datfiles
Thanks, I updated and updated MAME but they boot back.
Run mame with verbose mode and check the /dev/runcommand.log .
Then you can find what's wrong.Do I need to add the Datfile somewhere as well?
I seen pi didn't say MAME had an update, so am I trying to0 early perhaps?
You should check your version of mame.
Run a game that still works and use "tab" to go into the UI and check "about".
Or check your /dev/runcommand.log after trying to run a game in mame with verbose mode, this might also reveal the version.If you have an old version, like 0253, and you recently updated the binary via the RetroPie-Setup then there is no new version for the original RetroPie image available.
If so, then this is due to the underlying older linux operating system which cannot run newer compiled mame binaries or canniot compile newer mame source-code anymore.
That would mean that you are stuck with using old roms and an old version of mame unless you create a new linux image, with a newer OS, by yourself with installing RetroPie on top of it.If you still can't find a solution then I recommend you open a new help thread.
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