The status bar bug even occurs with the version installed by the stock script. For now I'll just stick with using the alternate script I created, which pulls from an older commit.
In a few days, when I have the time, I'll try to determine the exact commit where the bug begins. There also seem to be a couple other oddities with this port that I want to investigate at that time:
Redundant files with specific file names becoming necessary for the three expansion episodes to run. For example, three identical copies of AUDIOT.SOD --> AUDIOT.SD1, AUDIOT.SD2, AUDIOT.SD3. At least, if I remember the required file names correctly. There are multiple other files that require the same treatment.
And from a later commit (not effecting installs from the script up to this point in time)...
The game image being stretched to the full width of a 16:9 monitor, rather than preserving the original aspect ratio.