You noted you have a official Rpi power supply. Is it rated 3A or 5A?
If it is a 5A power supply, underpowering is out of the mix.
Then, run lsusb and note the USB ids of the Kingston USB device. The USB ID looks like this format 174c:1153, which is VendorId:ProductId.
It is a wild guess from the distance, but I assume it might be a faulty implementation of the USB power suspend (of the device).
To work around this inhibit power suspend for the Kingston device (power/control=on) [1]
To testdrive if it solves your issue:
sudo su
echo -1 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend
However, this will not survive a reboot.
To persist it:
Put a udev rule below /etc/udev/rules.d/, e.g. 99-kingston-power-control with the content (unverified):
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="174c", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1153", TEST=="power/control", ATTR{power/control}="on"
Read: Whenever a usb device is added which has the vendor and product id and has the attribute of power/control to set it to on.
Replace the values for idVendor and idProduct with the values from the Kingston.
You can find a little context for example here [2] and the udev spec here [3].
Restart the udev system sudo udevadm control --reload