Development of module-script generator for lr-mess, lr-mame and mame standalone
I'm gonna do the conversion for files in Google Drive -
@dteam said in Development of module-script generator for lr-mess and mame standalone:
I'm gonna do the conversion for files in Google DriveAre you letting me know when it's ready ?
@folly said in Development of module-script generator for lr-mess and mame standalone:
Are you letting me know when it's ready ?
I tested It, and It Works. Background.png files are converted with the appropriate namings in**/home/pi/RetroPie/overlays/home/pi/RetroPie/overlays/** "system name" -
Cool, isn't it ;-)
Next thing to do is, checking the games that don't need an overlay.
Then I will remove these games from the generating overlay script so no loose config files are generated.And there are games with 2 screens.
With these the TOP/BOTTOM or LEFT/RIGHT backgrounds have to be joined I think.
We will have to try on how this will look. -
@folly said in Development of module-script generator for lr-mess and mame standalone:
Cool, isn't it ;-)
When you load a game with Lr-Mess, do you have to select the overlay or it,s done automatically. On my side, I have to load It via retroarch UI
@dteam said in Development of module-script generator for lr-mess and mame standalone:
@folly said in Development of module-script generator for lr-mess and mame standalone:
Cool, isn't it ;-)
When you load a game with Lr-Mess, do you have to select the overlay or it,s done automatically. On my side, I have to load It via retroarch UI
Strange, which games did you try ?
The retroarch overlay loads automatically on my side.
I am loading with lr-mess-cmd.
The will append the config if the loader name (in emulators.cfg) starts withlr-
Solr-mess-cmd = "...cmd...,"
. (should work), renamed tomess-cmd = "...cmd...,"
(doesn't work)/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch --config /opt/retropie/configs/konamih/retroarch.cfg -v -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mess/ "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/konamih/" --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg'|'"/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/konamih/"
Above execution line from the log, shows that the config is loaded :
, which will load :
( not in log) /home/pi/RetroPie/overlays/konamih/kgradius.cfg ,which will load :
( not in log) /home/pi/RetroPie/overlays/konamih/kgradius.pngCheck your /dev/shm/runcommand.log if the custom config for the overlay is present.
Check also if you have any overrides :
[INFO] [Overrides] no core-specific overrides found at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/config/MAME/MAME.cfg. [INFO] [Overrides] no content-dir-specific overrides found at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/config/MAME/konamih.cfg. [INFO] [Overrides] no game-specific overrides found at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/config/MAME/kgradius.cfg.
I have these config lines used by lr-mess (and lr-mame, I think) in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg :
mame_alternate_renderer = "disabled" mame_altres = "640x480" mame_auto_save = "disabled" mame_boot_from_cli = "enabled" mame_boot_to_bios = "disabled" mame_boot_to_osd = "disabled" mame_buttons_profiles = "enabled" mame_cheats_enable = "enabled" mame_cpu_overclock = "default" mame_lightgun_mode = "none" mame_mame_4way_enable = "disabled" mame_mame_paths_enable = "disabled" mame_media_type = "rom" mame_mouse_enable = "disabled" mame_read_config = "disabled" mame_saves = "game" mame_softlists_auto_media = "enabled" mame_softlists_enable = "enabled" mame_throttle = "disabled" mame_write_config = "disabled"
You may also want to try a dummy overlay with
to see if it is anlr-mess
or aretroarch
problem. -
I have this in my runncommand.log
[INFO] [Overrides] no core-specific overrides found at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/config/MAME/MAME.cfg. [INFO] [Overrides] no content-dir-specific overrides found at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/config/MAME/konamih.cfg. [INFO] [Overrides] no game-specific overrides found at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/config/MAME/kgradius.cfg.
in retroarch-core-options.cfg
mame_cheats_enable = "disabled"
The rest is the same than your.
My emulators.cfg seems to be good.
Ok, beats me, I have no clue why it isn't working.
Was your retroach.cfg accidentally saved when you where in the retroarch UI ?
Or did you perhaps create a game options file accidentally ?
( edit : I created a game option file, it's a core option file in /home/pi/.config/retroarch/config/MAME/.opt . It seems not the problem )*mame_cheats_enable = "disabled"
This should be on enabled if you installed one of the install-system-cmd module scripts.
My On-Screen Overlay setting looks like this.
How is yours when you run a game ?
If you do :
ls -l /home/pi/RetroPie/overlays/konamih
Are your permissions like this ? :
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi
Maybe we have to leave it for now.
Perhaps we will find the solution by accident. -
If we want, it is possible to test the artwork download with this code again : has changed his program with my suggestions, accordingly : -
@folly said in Development of module-script generator for lr-mess and mame standalone:
If we want, it is possible to test the artwork download with this code again : you talking about the first version :
#gets the artwork, about 42 files and puts in in the correct path (perhaps a bit more) #not ok, it has to get 162 files wget -nv -O /tmp/ python /tmp/ -P $HOME/RetroPie/roms/mame/artwork rm /tmp/ -
Indeed, I will have a look at it now.
Running it now, looks good !
Successful !
All 158 files in 28 minutes.Now we have 2 possibility's for downloading.
I added the download lines in the script.
What it does :- download cheats for MAME standalone/lr-mess
- download artwork for MAME standalone (@DTEAM handhelds)
- create custom configs for retroarch overlays and extract backgrounds for running with lr-mess (@DTEAM handhelds)
You can run it directly without even downloading it as a file, with this command :
curl | bash I used the for the artwork in above script to make it look really simple and it outputs just one line per file.
My own
google download code with curl
is a bit more sophisticated, I have another idea with this. -
@folly said in Development of module-script generator for lr-mess and mame standalone:
I added the download lines in the script.
What it does :download cheats for MAME standalone/lr-mess
download artwork for MAME standalone (@DTEAM handhelds)
create custom configs for retroarch overlays and extract backgrounds for running with lr-mess (@DTEAM handhelds)It works !!
Damn, that's nice.
Tonight I had the idea to only let the the retroarch-overlays create when there is a Background.png available.
Then we don't get configs we can't use.
This way I can keep all game names in the array's
And then I don't have to remove the ones that don't use backgrounds.
Btw. we can also use it now for checking on which games we have to work on.How does that sound ?
Edit :
I just added an if function in my script, and it's working.
(I do not have the possibility right now to add it on github, I will do that later) -
For overlays, it's frustrating on my end for Lr-mess-cmd. It always points to / opt / retropie / configs / all / retroarch / overlay and not to your directories. I have to do it manually. I am looking to see if I missed something during the installation.I'll re-install the all thing properly.
Indeed, I that is really frustrating.
Really, I have no idea what is causing this.Have a look at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg
I remember I had some trouble adding options in the retroarch.cfg in /opt/retropie/configs/all.
So I did it in /home/pi/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg .
Perhaps you have options in there that's causing it.
You could rename it, to see what happens.
You can alway's rename it back.I could also change the script, so all background files come in that directory.
Would that be a solution ? -
I could change the script, so all background files come in that directory.
It could be good, because like that, you will use the default Retroarch overlay folder for Retropie.
Have a look at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg
I remember I had some trouble adding options in the retroarch.cfg in /opt/retropie/configs/all.
So I did it in /home/pi/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg .
Perhaps you have options in there that's causing it.
You could rename it, to see what happens.
You can alway's rename it back.
I'm gonna try that
@dteam said in Development of module-script generator for lr-mess and mame standalone:
I could change the script, so all background files come in that directory.
It could be good, because like that, you will use the default Retroarch overlay folder for Retropie.
Ok, I will make a commit when I can.
Then I will remove the subdirectory's also.
All overlays are saved in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/overlay
Basically it will look like the artwork directory but then containing .cfg and .png.I was able to do a commit on github.
I did the change without testing, but should work. (did test : OK)
If you comment part 2 and 3 in the script it will not download all again.
I think you know how to do that.You have to manually remove /home/pi/RetroPie/overlays.
I have rewritten the readme on the github page :
I also reorganized the whole repository to get a better oversight.Improved ?
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