Integrated Music Player for RetroPie [IMP] 2021.10 (Background Music for RetroPie and More)
@smartgenes I'm really not sure what your audio issues are, plus IMP merely Disables/Enables Naprosnia, no messing with Audio Settings...
For your USB /roms/music/ you can try to create a symbolic link to the Music Folder inside the /imp/music folder instead.
mkdir ~/RetroPie/roms/music # If you have not already ln -s ~/RetroPie/roms/music ~/RetroPie/retropiemenu/imp/music/roms-music
I do not use the USB Storage method, but the path may vary, so adjust accordingly if needed.
E ExarKunIv referenced this topic on
Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB
RetroPie 4.7.1Amazing addon! Couple of quick questions -
Should music be stopped in the Retropie Config menu before entering RetroPie Setup? I noticed that when the music is still playing and you enter the RetroPie Setup, the GUI is rendered useless while music is playing. I am not sure if this is a bug or a coincidence and something else is going on. I did manage to hit CTRL + C to get out of the GUI and back to the RetroPie Config Menu.
Is it possible to run GUI Navigation Sounds for a theme and IMP simultaneously?
@trickarrow89 said in Integrated Music Player for RetroPie [IMP] 2021.10 (Background Music for RetroPie and More):
Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB
RetroPie 4.7.1Amazing addon! Couple of quick questions -
- Should music be stopped in the Retropie Config menu before entering RetroPie Setup? I noticed that when the music is still playing and you enter the RetroPie Setup, the GUI is rendered useless while music is playing. I am not sure if this is a bug or a coincidence and something else is going on. I did manage to hit CTRL + C to get out of the GUI and back to the RetroPie Config Menu.
You should not have to stop the Music.
In my case the issue only happens after a Song changes, and I'm able to still control the GUI Menu with Joypad, just have to Select something to Refresh it.
I think one of my scripts is doing a 'tput reset' where it does not need to be...Can you try this:
nano /opt/retropie/configs/imp/
Remove or Comment Out the 2nd to Last Line before the exit:
tput reset
exit 0
OR Comment Out
- #tput reset
exit 0
Does this resolve the GUI issue?
- Is it possible to run GUI Navigation Sounds for a theme and IMP simultaneously?
Sure, but you may want to check out the previous post #85 about using Music Over Games Setting...
I find that Theme UI sounds work OK, but the Snaps can sometimes clash with the background music. -
@RapidEdwin08 Thanks - I'll see if I can recreate the issue and look into your recommendations. I'll update you on what I find.
As far as the video scrape music/sounds, those work with IMP; both play. You are right though, I just turned off the video scrape music/sounds as it did clash with the background music.
@RapidEdwin08 Hey really awesome work here! Sorry for the noob question, but when adding my own music, am I placing it in imp/music folder, or does it need to go into the B-side/A-side folders? Thanks
Edit: disregard lol, I got it to work. Thanks again for this great tool
@EasyStreetExile hardly a noob question...
The documentation is not really clear.
It says the Roms/Music Directory, but it's not.
It's really in the retropiemenu/music Directory.
That's on me, and I'll be updating that in the next release due to the recent confusion and issues when using USB Storage service...
Thanks for the feedback. -
@RapidEdwin08 I ended up commenting out the tput reset and I haven't encountered the issue where the GUI in Raspi-Config is inoperable while IMP is playing. I think we're good. I will keep monitoring the issue.
New question - I set IMP to shuffle my playlist on startup and loop it. When I set Retropie (Retropie main menu > UI settings > screensaver settings > system sleep after), the music is still playing. Do you by chance know if there is a way to cut the music when the Retropie goes to sleep? Thanks!
@trickarrow89 Thanks for testing and reporting the results.
I'll remove that 'tput reset' from the in the next version.Currently there are no Settings aimed at or for Sleep in IMP...
But I'll look into it. -
@trickarrow89 I looked into the Sleep 0ptions and it turned out to be a pretty Great Idea, because it can be used for Screensaver as well (eg. stop IMP if Video Screensaver).
It's pretty straight forward using the Emulationstation built-in scripting 0ptions found here:
Emulationstation ScriptingFor now, if you want to test yourself, you can borrow the current IMP Scripts used for run-onstart/run-onend.
(NOTE: the run-onstart/run-onend Scripts will Respect Music Over Game Settings + Fade Settings, we're just borrowing them for now)Create the Directory for ES Built-In Scripts first:
mkdir ~/.emulationstation/scripts
Create/Copy the IMP scripts for Sleep/Wake:
mkdir ~/.emulationstation/scripts/sleep echo 'bash /opt/retropie/configs/imp/ &' > ~/.emulationstation/scripts/sleep/ echo 'exit 0' >> ~/.emulationstation/scripts/sleep/ sudo chmod 755 ~/.emulationstation/scripts/sleep/ mkdir ~/.emulationstation/scripts/wake echo 'bash /opt/retropie/configs/imp/ &' > ~/.emulationstation/scripts/wake/ echo 'exit 0' >> ~/.emulationstation/scripts/wake/ sudo chmod 755 ~/.emulationstation/scripts/wake/
0r 0ptionally Create/Copy the IMP scripts for Screensaver Start/Stop:
mkdir ~/.emulationstation/scripts/screensaver-start echo 'bash /opt/retropie/configs/imp/ &' > ~/.emulationstation/scripts/screensaver-start/ echo 'exit 0' >> ~/.emulationstation/scripts/screensaver-start/ sudo chmod 755 ~/.emulationstation/scripts/screensaver-start/ mkdir ~/.emulationstation/scripts/screensaver-stop echo 'bash /opt/retropie/configs/imp/ &' > ~/.emulationstation/scripts/screensaver-stop/ echo 'exit 0' >> ~/.emulationstation/scripts/screensaver-stop/ sudo chmod 755 ~/.emulationstation/scripts/screensaver-stop/
To Disable, simply Remove/Delete the Scripts from corresponding Directories...
I tested on stock RetroPie v4.8 and both Sleep and Screensaver scripts and worked as expected.
If it works well, I will try to incorporate these 0ptions into the next release. -
@RapidEdwin08 - Awesome! Thanks for looking into this. I'll give it a shot today and update the string with my experience.
@RapidEdwin08 - the sleep/wake script worked like a charm. Here's just an overview of what I did in case anyone stumbles on this string:
- I SSH'd into RetroPie using PuTTY and copied over the sleep wake script.
- Performed a reboot:
sudo reboot
- After the reboot, I went into the RetroPie Main Menu (Start) > UI Settings > Screensaver Settings > Screensaver After > 1m.
- Then went to System Sleep After in the same menu screen and set the sleep timer to 5 minutes.
The system entered a screensaver which I had set to use Random Videos from my scraped ROMs. The screensaver started and 5 minutes into the screensaver, the system went to sleep, stopping IMP. When I woke the system up (with the A button), the IMP kicked on and picked up right where it left off.
Right now, I have my scraped ROM random video screensaver set to mute so the IMP plays my playlist over the screensaver, which I like.
For testing purposes, I'll also implement the screensaver script just to see what happens. Stay tuned.
@RapidEdwin08 - Alright, I set up your script for just the screensaver screensaver start/stop and that worked as well. Here is a recap of what I did:
- I SSH'd into RetroPie using PuTTY and copied over the screensaver start/stop script.
- Performed a reboot:
Sudo reboot
- After the reboot, I went into the RetroPie Main Menu (Start) > UI Settings > Screensaver Settings > Screensaver After > 3m.
- Then went to System Sleep After in the same menu screen and disabled the sleep timer by setting it to 0 minutes (both the system sleep on/off and screensaver start/stop scripts can be installed, I just wanted to test this specific script).
The system entered screensaver mode, which I had set to use Random Videos from ROM scrapes, and IMP stopped playing. I hit A, the screensaver stopped and the system put me back into Emulation Station with IMP picking up where it left off in the playlist.
Both scripts were a success for RetroPie v4.8 on a Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB.
@trickarrow89 Thanks for testing and the feedback.
I'll add Idle/Sleep settings for IMP in the next release.I may try to use screensaver-game-select too,
But I'm not really sure if/how the %media% argument randomvideo is supposed to be utilized...Would be ideal to have a setting to Stop IMP only on Screensaver Random Video if possible.
@RapidEdwin08 - Wish I could help here. I am in the midst of learning Linux's CLI (commands, scripts, bash, etc.). The good news is that I am picking it up because I could read and understand the sleep/wake scripts you wrote.
@trickarrow89 I could not figure out the randomvideo argument for screensaver-game-select...
I ended up just scripting out a check for the random video setting in the es_settings.cfg instead.That worked as expected, so IMP will have Settings for Idle at Screensaver ANY, or Idle at Screensaver Random Video Only in the next release.
I also finally tested IMP on a PC build of RetroPie (latest Mint Cinnamon Ubuntu base).
There were some issues on PC I did not encounter on Pi...
I ended up making a bunch of changes under the hood to get it working.Next IMP should be compatible with PC (and 0droid potentially).
It's the 1 Year Anniversary Edition of IMP!
Lots of changes and new additions to this version...
If you tried IMP on a PC Before and had Issues, there were several changes made to support PC in this version.
Anyone tried IMP on 0droid yet?
I've yet to confirm if IMP works on 0droid, but I do not see why it wouldn't...
Feel free to report any Issues here.
Thanks all for the Feedback.[v2022.10] Released
Main IMP Music Folder now Documented Properly [../retropiemenu/imp/music]
Added Symbolic Link to[../roms/music]
in Main IMP Music Folder
Several Fixes under the hood for PC/0ther Compatibility
Utilities to Installer Menu
Utilities to include[v1.30.2]
Utilities Source Build Folder to ~/mpg123...
Added[Clean Source Folder]
Option tompg123
Added Setting to Play [quit.mp3] Song at ES Quit
Modified Fade mechanism to Check/Use Audio Device from [es_settings.cfg]
Added IMP Idle Settings
Added OMX Monitor [BETA]
Install Flags to Installer Menu
SomaFM for Everyone!
Divided the Single[NightrideFM.pls]
into x6[Individual.pls]
Stations in[Streams]
Added More[Mp3RadioFM]
Internet Radio Stations to[Streams]
(Results may vary)
Added Lower Bandwidth Channels to SLAYRadio/DnBRadio[Streams]
New Feature OMX Monitor [BETA]:
@RapidEdwin08 - is it still recommended to completely uninstall the older version and then retrieve the latest version?
@trickarrow89 Yes Uninstall current Version before installing newer IMP.
You can see this process in the updated Video in the OP for reference. -
@RapidEdwin08 Just did a fresh update of RetroPie 4.8.2, with the updated Pixelcade software (I have an LED marquee), and this update of IMP. I had been waiting to do this on a fresh MicroSD card because I already had a completely stable system running with RetroPie 4.7.21 and didn't want to break anything.
The new IMP features are GREAT! Thanks for all the hard work. I now have a fun startup mp3 that plays before IMP plays a randomized selection from EITHER my A-Side or B-Side folders.. Music stops when the screensaver starts, fades in/out going in and out of games.. I have a funny goodbye mp3 when it shuts down.. it is really awesome.
Thanks again for all the thorough work on this- if anyone is on the fence about installing, let me just say IMP is a great choice. This is a really full-featured enhancement for RetroPie with a lot of options for whatever you might want to do with background music.
FWIW- I am on a Pi 4B 4GB RAM running in an arcade cabinet with:
- RetroPie 4.8.2
- Pixelcade 4.4.5
- IMP 2022.10
@RapidEdwin08 So I have noticed something, not sure if I have a setting wrong or if anyone else is experiencing this.
I set up an mp3 as my "Quit mp3" for when I shut the Pi down from EmulationStation.
What happens, is the BGM playing continues to play, and the Quit mp3 plays concurrently- both mp3s play until the Quit mp3 has played in full, and then the Pi shuts down.
What I expected to happen- the BGM stops or fades out, and then the Quit mp3 plays, and then the Pi shuts down.
My settings in IMP are:
1. Music @ Boot - ON
2. Delay - 5 sec.
3. Startup mp3 - ON
4. Quit mp3 - ON
5. A-Side - ON
6. B-Side - ON
7. Shuffle playlist @ Boot - ON
8. OMX Monitor - OFF
9. Randomizer - BGM
10. Stop IMP @ screensaver - VIDEO
11. Lite Mode - OFF
12. Infinite Mode - OFF
13. Music Over Game - OFF
14. Fade in/out - ON
15. Delay @ Game end - OFF
16. Stop at sleep - OFFRunning:
- RetroPie 4.8.2
- IMP 2022.10
- Pixelcade 4.4.5 (don't think this matters, but FYI).
Any recommendations?
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