Dreamcast Theme (Work In Progress)
Hey, though I am in need of learning how to make a theme for EmulationStation/RetroPie, I had this one idea where I want to make it similar to the Sega Genesis Mini layout (https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/24066/theme-segacd-mini-updated-to-version-2-0?_=1641581506949). I wanna try making a theme where it is a Dreamcast mini, allowing the theme to make it feel like one of my FAVORITE classic consoles of all time. I even have icons to make it feel like you can select an icon to pick the console/emulator you want to play with, which some are still in the making.
I'm also wanting to see if I could find the background from the system's BIOS to make it feel like a Dreamcast in the main/game selection menu. -
@mrrussellgro you can get started here with some info.
It’s a bit fuzzy for me as I haven’t touched making a theme in years, I’ll probably have to relearn some stuff, but the best way is download a theme that is close to what you want your base to be and play around with it. Look at the code and see what each part does. The way I did it for my PlayStation theme was use a theme that was close to what my idea was. A vertical scrolling main page. I would run the pi and actually change the code on the pi via smb, save my changes and restart emulation station and see my changes. Over time, I got used to what I was seeing in code to know what I was doing without constantly restarting. So I took the base code of that original theme (why reinvent the wheel from scratch) and heavily modified by adding some stuff, removing stuff, moving elements around, made my own graphics, etc etc.
but basically the code just tells emulation station what element to use and where to place it from the top left. It all is done in percentages of how far you are from the top left. So 50 would be half screen, etc etc. Good luck. -
@lostless Thanks! I will have to look into that!
It's amazing what you did with your PlayStation theme you've made. I'm a huge fan of it. :)
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