Retropie CFG files naming convention for "Asterick" Key above numpad
Hello all,
I am converting my old MAME cabinet to run on a Raspberry Pie 3 and I am running into a small issue
I have a Slikstik Quad control panel that is over a decade old with an older IPAC-4 Controller in it that just maps all the controls to keyboard keys. I have been able to track down the naming convention for every key it uses except one. Player fours "A" button is the "Asterick" key above the number pad(not the shift num8). Does anyone know what the proper name is to define that in a retropie cfg file?
@Nilus2k try
:# Keyboard input. Will recognize letters ("a" to "z") and the following special keys (where "kp_" # is for keypad keys): # # left, right, up, down, enter, kp_enter, tab, insert, del, end, home, # rshift, shift, ctrl, alt, space, escape, add, subtract, kp_plus, kp_minus, # f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, # num0, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, num8, num9, pageup, pagedown, # keypad0, keypad1, keypad2, keypad3, keypad4, keypad5, keypad6, keypad7, keypad8, keypad9, # period, capslock, numlock, backspace, multiply, divide, print_screen, scroll_lock, # tilde, backquote, pause, quote, comma, minus, slash, semicolon, equals, leftbracket, # backslash, rightbracket, kp_period, kp_equals, rctrl, ralt #
@sleve_mcdichael Thank you! Turns out multiple is the key name I needed.
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