Dolphin / Gamecube / Wiiware / Wii Compatibility on Pi 5
So just a quick spreadsheet I'm leaving here for others who have built either dolphin standalone or lr-dolphin on the Pi 5 with RetroPie. Essentially been going through a few games and giving them a test.
Not in any overly scientific way, noticing a fair bit of screen tearing which I've not mentioned for example. More just to see which games are do-able at present with the Open GL backend on dolphin.
I've not started on Wii as I've only really found 4-5 games so far that work well. Wiiware is pretty good though generally
Feel free to comment and edit:-
M mitu moved this topic from Ideas and Development on
- Eternal Darkness with dolphin running ok but not perfect with some slowdowns (playable).
- Xenoblade for Wii, it's running ok with few slowdowns during fights, tested with lr-dolphing (playable)
- Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, it's running ok with lr-dolphin.(playable)
- Rally Championship running ok with dolphin some slowdowns when you are crashing (playable)
Generally, if someone want to buy Pi5 for GC/Wii games then, avoid it !
@retropieuser555 I have Mario Party 4 and 7 currently and will plan to add them to this list as soon as I test them.
@abj What about 3DS and Wii U? :p
@AwesomeKingClem I haven't test that systems, i don't know how. So far i haven't see a video for someone did it.
@retropieuser555 said in Dolphin / Gamecube / Wiiware / Wii Compatibility on Pi 5:
So just a quick spreadsheet I'm leaving here for others who have built either dolphin standalone or lr-dolphin on the Pi 5 with RetroPie.
Love these, of course.
I contributed a bit to your spreadsheet, and was wondering if there could be a more specific legend before this gets out of hand with too much subjectivity:
- Red = Gameplay is prohibited in a major way (either cannot complete, or FPS is consistently so bad that the game is never enjoyable)
- Orange = Gameplay may be affected in moderate, but not permanent ways. Framerate is overall good, but may have moments of moderate to major hitches
- Yellow = Generally solid gameplay but with minor moments of incompatibility (graphic glitches, minor FPS hitches)
- Green = Fully playable at all times, with no major perceived issues with gameplay or FPS.
Something like this.
Would you consider this and let me know?Cheers!
-Ros -
@AwesomeKingClem do you have a USB Microphone btw? I'm curious if the dolphin functionality of the GameCube mic works for Mario party 7. I don't have a mic to hand so I can't test that unfortunately
@retropieuser555 The only USB mic I have acts like a piece of —. It acts like a speaker. It’s unfixable, as far as I’m concerned.
Thanks for the spreadsheet! I was wondering what OS versions everyone is using and would happily test some configs on my pi5 to see which runs Dolphin in Retropie the smoothest.
I saw this
Do you have any experience with 32bit vs 64bit for this purpose?
Do we need to have the Desktop version? Would it make a performance difference to go for the OS lite versions?
Was anything else installed besides retropie and dolphin-emu on a fresh install?
Were any other changes made to the system?I am happy to test a few configurations from a fresh start and benchmark some games. Thanks for sharing more info about your setups.
Pi Model: Pi 5
Power Supply: Official Pi 5 Power Supply
Built From: script on Raspbian official lite x64 img
Devices: XBOX360 Controller (2) -
@feldkiste said in Dolphin / Gamecube / Wiiware / Wii Compatibility on Pi 5:
Do you have any experience with 32bit vs 64bit for this purpose?
Dolphin is 64bit only. I haven't looked at the video, but it's probably the 64bit variant of either RaspiOS or Ubuntu.
@feldkiste you don't need the desktop no, you just need the ability to run xorg/x11. I did a reinstall earlier as I brought the nvme base and decided to do a fresh install rather than copy my existing SD card.
So usual steps, install 64bit Raspberry Pi OS Lite, follow RetroPie manual steps, then standalone dolphin. Only thing I needed to do was install gldriver-test as without it xorg wouldn't load for me and gave a framebuffer error
@AwesomeKingClem said in Dolphin / Gamecube / Wiiware / Wii Compatibility on Pi 5:
@abj What about 3DS and Wii U? :p
That aged like fine wine.
Jokes aside, sorry I couldn't get to testing Mario Party 4 and 7 beforehand. Life was happening recently, and I couldn't get time to test them.
When you do get to Wii games eventually, I have a truckload that I can legally test. So when you need to test Wii games, I may be able to help you.
@AwesomeKingClem oh the file is public, feel free to add a sheet for Wii. I didn't add originally as I'd only found a handful of working Wii games (2d ones usually) whereas Wiiware and GameCube I'd found a higher success rate
Thanks to confirm that thegldriver-test
package was necessary, it puzzled me the last time i did a clean install of RetroPie. Maybe @mitu must include it in the dependencies of the Dolphin script. -
@abj It is already included.
@mitu is there some issue with this? Trying from a clean install yesterday from scratch it didn't install it oddly, but you added it in a few months ago?:-
@retropieuser555 Oh nice! I have 4 already set up, so expect some changes soon!
@abj I'm sorry, what do you mean by gldriver-test? I never heard anyone mention it before.
Edit: Ah, I looked at one of the posts in this thread and saw what you were talking about. That may be the issue with so many of my ports not working. -
@retropieuser555 said in Dolphin / Gamecube / Wiiware / Wii Compatibility on Pi 5:
@mitu is there some issue with this? Trying from a clean install yesterday from scratch it didn't install it oddly, but you added it in a few months ago?:-
I'll check, maybe there's some error somewhere.
EDIT: yes, it doesn't work. We need to find another solution to this.
@mitu @retropieuser555 Thanks for your replies! I just installed the Desktop version due to some errors I was experiencing before, but reading this now it may also have been the missing gldriver-test.
So for Lite version you would also install xorg after / before the RetroPie installation like:
64bit Raspberry Pi OS Lite
[ retropie manual install steps ]
Optional: sudo apt install xserver-xorg xinit x11-xserver-utils
sudo apt install gldriver-test
Install dolphin-emu through (experimental packages).I will replicate this to see if it works as expected, only I do not understand the point about yet. If it says at some point the file is missing I just get it from github and put it in the expected location?
I will assume so and report back soon!
EDIT: Thanks for the comment, I updated the steps above accordingly.
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