Wine Explorer and Wine command line
@Nash iirc it's:
wine explorer /desktop=shell,1920x1080 game.exe
I don't know if you always need the resolution, but some games might need a specific desktop resolution.
You have to set the same resolution in the runcommand menu. -
@ecto Not working. Error box "UNKNOWN_STRING" when launch Trials2SE with this command line and same resolution in runcommand. But the game start in wine explorer.
Same thing with Castle Crashers, error box about shaders but run in wine explorer.
Today it is on Pi5, Bookworm 64bit, RetroPie 4.8.9, Wine 9.17 installed with pi-apps.
@Nash Can you post your command line for this game, please?
trial2se = "XINIT-WM: wine explorer /desktop=shell,1280x720 '/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/Trials 2 Second Edition/trials2.exe'" default = "trial2se"
@Nash Thanks! My first guess would be that your wine executable is not set in your path.
So either you add the path to your wine executable to the$PATH
variable or you put the path in front of the wine command like this:trial2se = "XINIT-WM: /path/to/wine explorer /desktop=shell,1280x720 '/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/Trials 2 Second Edition/trials2.exe'"
@ecto Same errors with :
trial2se = "XINIT-WM: /opt/wine-9.17/bin/wine explorer /desktop=shell,1280x720 '/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/Trials 2 Second Edition/trials2.exe'"
Maybe some specific libs of wine explorer are not loaded, or have no time to be loaded before game ? Can I add timer just before gamepath in the command line ?
EDIT : I found a solution that I accidentally discovered while debugging another game that required Windows arguments. I launch a .cmd with wine :
emulators.cfg :
trial2se = "XINIT-WM: wine '/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/Trials2se/trials2se.cmd'"
Here the trials2se.cmd :
cd RetroPie/roms/ports/Trials2se start trials2.exe
Like this, not starting.
But if I add "@pause" for debugging like this :
cd RetroPie/roms/ports/Trials2se start trials2.exe @pause
It's working, game start without error. But I don't understand why. And Wine does not close when I quit game, propably because of the @pause. But, strangely, I can quit and return to EmulationStation with the key ² (on azerty keyboard, under escape)
Same problem, same successful "@pause solution" with Castle Crashers and Team Fortress 2 (on Pi5, Bookworm Lite 64bit, RetroPie 4.8.9, Wine 9.17).
Does anyone understand what's going on ? lol
I found something. Halo launched with wine command give me an error "file not found in /home/pi/". Like others games, Halo start with the .cmd trick.
Looks like some games launched with wine command thinks there are not in there directory but in /home/pi. It works with Wine Explorer and cmd trick because they give good "path environement" to the game.
Is there a way to force wine command to do the same thing ?
@Nash In fact I'm basically using shell scripts to start my wine games. In there I first change into the game's executable directory, and then start wine just with the executable. Something like this:
#!/bin/bash cd "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/Trials 2 Second Edition" /opt/wine-9.17/bin/wine explorer /desktop=shell,1280x720 trials2.exe
What I do is a little more complicated than this, but basically that's what happens. The shell script is then the "game that's started by
@ecto This is how I did on Pi4 when I created this topic. Now I use runcommand to simplify display management. I will retry with your example.
xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
I failed to debug this on Pi5. That's why I use runcommand now. Can you show me how do you initialize display in your shell script please ?
EDIT : Ok, I just understand that you run your script with runcommand. I tried this, but not starting.
RE-EDIT : Ok it's working, somes stupid errors from me. Thank you for your help !
This is working too :
#!/bin/bash cd "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/Trials 2 Second Edition" wine trials2.exe
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