Does the data transfer rate on MicroSD for Pi 4 or greater matter?
Hello Everyone,
New here, I just ordered my first raspberry pi ever. It’s the pi 5 with 8GB of RAM. Its sole purpose in life will be dedicated for playing N64. I have a question that maybe someone in this forum can hopefully answer in regards to microSd cards that I could not find scrolling in this Forum. Does the transfer speed matter? For example, with Sandisk the 64GB high endurance model has up to 100 MB/s and cost 10 dollars compared to the Sandisk Extreme Pro 64 GB that does 300 MB/s cost 60 dollars. So here’s my question.
Does the transfer speed of the SD card effect the performance while playing? If it does which SD card do you recommend for the best value disregard space.
Can I get the same gaming experience with the lesser expensive Sdcard?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Does the transfer speed of the SD card effect the performance while playing? If it does which SD card do you recommend for the best value disregard space.
No, it does not, but it certainly helps in day-to-day operations (boot process, updates, copying files, etc.).
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