Retropie disc image for raspberry pi 4
Hi I'm very new to this. I have one of the original raspberry pi's with 128 gig SD card with a retropie image my friend put on it with all of the older systems up to Nintendo 64 and all of the ROMs. It boots up right into the front end as soon as you turn it on. I found that the N64 was very sluggish and most of the games didn't work proper. My guess is because my pie was too old so I've now upgraded to a Raspberry Pi 4 and a nice retro pie case. I'm wondering if there's somewhere on the site or someone that can help me download a pre-made disc image for retropie on the raspberry pi 4 that has all of the systems and all of the ROMs. Including mame, Dreamcast ,PS1, Xbox Etc some of the newer systems as well. That i can put on an SD card and it boots right up to the front end like my current one does? If anybody can help me or point me in a direction of where I can find a download for this it would be very helpful. Thank you for your help in advance
M mitu locked this topic on
The only image supported here is the one from the download page. Any pre-loaded images are not supported here - see the forum rules first and foremost.
M mitu unlocked this topic on
You shouldn't have any issues copying over your existing roms for the new setup, although you might be better off starting mame with an up to date romset for the emulator you plan on using.As for Xbox, that's not going to happen on any pi. N64 should be better than what you have now, but can still be a bit of a struggle on the pi 4. Dreamcast games can be hit or miss as well.
No links on obtaining roms, but you should be able to find full romsets without much difficulty.
@caffeinelights will my existing ROM image on the SD card that I'm using now work on my new Pi 4? If I just plug it into my Pi 4 will it boot up and go into the ROMs and front end just like it is now on my older Pi?
M mitu locked this topic on
@oldskoolgamerz As said, we don't offer support for other images. Start with if you wish to get support here in the forums. Topic closed.
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