Error creating SDL window after installing 3.5 inch display
Pi Model::; P4 4gb ram
Power Supply used: official
RetroPie Version Used: 4.8
USB Devices connected: keybord and gamepad (chep snes controler)i got a 3.5 inch screen from aliexpress and i set up the drivers and it reset and the color are reversed and the retropie won't boot just the console
i got a 3.5 inch screen from aliexpress and i set up the drivers and after booting the retropie gui dosent run and insted the console pops up andi have the error:
lv10: Error creating SDL window
Could not initialize EGL
lv10: renderer failed to initialize
lv10: window failed to initializeThanks in advance
@random-guy please don't double post - I've merged both your topics into one. Also, wait a bit before bumping your topics and don't delete them just so you can re-open them.
M mitu restored this topic
@mitu ok
@mitu can you help me?
@random-guy I'm not familiar with this kind of setup as I don't have it.
@mitu i fix it im gona delete this post
@random-guy If you have fixed the problem, why don't you share the solution, so other users with similar issue can see it.
i deleted the "#" in front#dtoverlay
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