Repo used for Wolf4SDL out of date?
I wasn't sure if this, or "Ideas and Development" the right place for this observation/suggestion.
I noticed that the Github repo for Wolf4SDL is out of date in two ways. First, the Dev changed names from "Aryanwolf" to "KS-Presto" and their Github repo was renamed accordingly. Functionally, this doesn't seem to matter. More importantly, the Github repo was archived on May 19, 2024. Development continues on Bitbucket:
Replacing the repository in the setup script with "" pulls the latest source code. Having said that, I believe there is an upstream issue that appears to only effect builds on Linux. This includes an installation of the Port using the unmodified RetroPie Setup script for Wolf4SDL.
I've tested on a Pi 4 running the official RetroPie image, Pi 5 manual installation, and my two LMDE 6 mini PCs (one of which relies on AMD's integrated graphics, the other on Intel's).
The issue is a minor graphical/display bug. Starting a new game (regardless of original game or expansions, first chapter or later) the numbers in the status bar at the bottom of the screen are missing/misplaced. The score box is blank, "Health" says "1%," etc. As the values are updated during gameplay, numbers will appear and disappear. Side note: the image is also stretched to fit the full width of a 16:9 monitor by default on the builds that experience this issue. For both reasons, I've been building from an old commit.
I'm curious if anyone else has experienced this.
I've tested a pre-compiled binary of Wolf4SDL on a Windows 11 mini PC, and followed a step-by-step guide to compile it from the latest source code on Windows. In both cases, the status bar issue was NOT present on Windows (although the stretched image was, maybe that's intentional?). Probably something upstream that the Wolf4SDL team isn't aware of.
I guess we can change the script to point to the (new upstream) repository, though for some reason it's not loading up for me right now to check (Bibucket connection/issues ?).
Though I'd rather wait for the issue you mentioned to be fixed first instead of replacing a working version with a faulty one.
The status bar bug even occurs with the version installed by the stock script. For now I'll just stick with using the alternate script I created, which pulls from an older commit.
In a few days, when I have the time, I'll try to determine the exact commit where the bug begins. There also seem to be a couple other oddities with this port that I want to investigate at that time:
- Redundant files with specific file names becoming necessary for the three expansion episodes to run. For example, three identical copies of AUDIOT.SOD --> AUDIOT.SD1, AUDIOT.SD2, AUDIOT.SD3. At least, if I remember the required file names correctly. There are multiple other files that require the same treatment.
And from a later commit (not effecting installs from the script up to this point in time)...
- The game image being stretched to the full width of a 16:9 monitor, rather than preserving the original aspect ratio.
Here's what I've determined...
In my testing, the last commit that didn't experience the status bar display bug was "d137585" The issue appears to begin with "1b6a029"
The last commit to retain the game's original aspect ratio was "4f97927" The stretched widescreen look begins with "c708329" Based on a casual glance at the details of the latter commit, I think the stretched image is not intended.
I don't currently have a Atlassian/Bitbucket account to report these issues, so if anyone from RetroPie does have an account already and feels like reporting these two issues, it would be much appreciated.It looks like the active Repo on Bitbucket doesn't currently accept reporting of Issues, so I don't know if it is possible to let the Devs know about these issues.As far as the need for triplicate (identical) files for each of: audiohed, auidiot, vgadict, vgagraph, and vgahead - one for each episode of the "Spear of Destiny" expansion pack... I don't know what to say. Those were not necessary when I first installed Wolf4SDL, way back in 2021. For that matter, ECWolf (a fork of Wolf4SDL, if I'm not mistaken) only requires one of each, as far as I can tell, from my testing of it on Windows. Not sure if the Wolf4SDL Devs really intended this, but it seems like an odd choice if they did.
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