Problems with HotKeys
Hello there
I am not able to reset my hotkeys. I would ask the person who set it up but it was a gift and the developer who gave it to me is no longer with us.So following the most common instructions I can only guess I'm using an old version on the retropi and an old version of Emulation Station. I attached 4 images of what my setup menus look like . I've written code in like Microsoft Access for searchable databases and such so I'm not a complete lodite but very green when it comes to most issues like this. Any help is appreciated. I'm not scared to backup the disk and Install a new script version but I would appreciate any instruction that helpse keep all my existing roms and emulators.
Thank you in advance.
This is a very old version RetroPie-Setup. Assuming the same principle of auto-configuration applies to that version - did you try to re-configure your gamepad in EmulationStation ?
@mitu I tried searching that but like u said it's old so couldn't find what I need...could you offer guidance on how to do that?
@chisnillum Open the EmulationStation menu by pressing Start and choose to the Input Configuration menu item.
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