Could someone upload Mame Set Rebuilder? :( - New User Request.
Hello, may I ask where I can download a tool called - MAME Set Rebuilder? - legit of course.
There is a link to a forum that one cannot use because I do not speak Italian. :)
I tried the mame old developer sites but it was not there nor, accessible.Also, I had signed up, but the administration could not confirm me.
Sorry, Retropie, but, could someone upload mame-set-rebuilder or at least be kind to send a new link?
Has issues logging into two providers or more at once for two different forums.One is english, the other italian.
Yes, I can understand the questions.
There's a very slim chance some forum member has the tool downloaded and they'll upload it for you, but otherwise your best bet is on the original site/forum where it was posted.
Or perhaps try another similar application (CLRMamePro, RomCenter, etc.)
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