Doesn't start after turning off and on
I have a problem.I am using Raspberry Pi Zero v1.3 and 5V 2.5A power supply, I am using Retropie v4.8 for RPi Zero.
After first boot it works great, but after power off and on it does not start, nothing shows on the screen, regardless of connected devices on microUSB. I also tested v3.7, same thing. Other operating systems work after power off and on. Can someone help?
Machine translation, sorry for any mistakes.
The RPI forums have a diagnostic topic here, from which one of the points is to determine the issue based on the led pattern (see the point titled *Check the ACT LED to determine if the Pi is booting ). See what's the LED pattern after restart and if you can determine what could be the issue here.
Please also consider adding the rest of the info requested in - power bank info, connected devices, etc.
Thanks for your help.Pi Model or other hardware: Raspberry Pi Zero v1.3
Power Supply used: 5V 2.5A
RetroPie Version Used: 4.8
Built From: .img file from the official Retropie website [retropie-buster-4.8-rpi1_zero.img.gz], flashed by balena etcher, I also tested it by Raspberry Pi Imager
USB Devices connected: Regardless of whether I connected the USB pads or not, the RPi behaves the same.
Controller used: USB Gamepads Gembird
Error messages received: Nothing is displayed on the screen, please provide the path to the log file and I will send the content if necessary
Verbose log: There is nothing in the /dev/shm/ directory, please tell me where these logs are.
Guide used: None, but my installation steps follow the guide I connect the Raspberry Pi Zero to the power supply, the LED blinks quickly for a few seconds, then blinks regularly for about half a second, and so on forever.
@meow said in Doesn't start after turning off and on:
When I connect the Raspberry Pi Zero to the power supply, the LED blinks quickly for a few seconds, then blinks regularly for about half a second, and so on forever.
Did you look in the topic I mentioned ? Does this indicate a faulty boot or working as normal ?
@mitu Yes, I've read this topic. I'm not sure what my diode behavior means - first it blinks quickly for a few seconds, then it starts blinking regularly every half a second or so and so on forever. This doesn't seem to be normal behavior, when using other systems, or Retropie on first start, the diode blinked differently. It's probably a boot problem.
@meow No idea then.
If the blinking pattern doesn't give an indication of where in the boot process it stops and no error is shown on screen, there's no much to diagnose.
If you use the current RaspiOS Lite, does it boot fine after the 1st restart and you get a command line prompt ? -
@mitu Yes.
@mitu So I understand that we can't do anything, right?
@meow I don't have an idea right now, but perhaps someone else in the forums might. If your Pi has Wifi, you can try connecting via SSH to check whether the system is running - maybe just the display is not working ?
@mitu OK. My RPi doesn't have Wifi, the display works. Maybe someone else will have an idea..
Thanks for your help, best regards.
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