Video Preview in EmulationStation
@robertybob I had a feeling that I read about favourites somewhere before hence I held off commenting on @Nismo 's suggestion until I had investigated. I'll take a look and see how easy it will be to port.
@fieldofcows There's something wrong in the last build, when I start emulationstation, I can hear the video from the first game of each system simultaneously.
If I enter a game, and then exit, I can hear both the video of my game and the first video on the right side system.
Very, very strange..XD anyway thanks for the update, scroll is working now.
@Nismo If it's not one thing then it's another! ES seems to keep every view for every system active at the same time so managing which one should be playing video is a bit of a challenge. I'm not sure what happened there but I'll take a look.
It didn't seem to be doing that on my machine but I only have a single system configured.
@fieldofcows Of course if you only have one system you can't check that.
It was working very good on beta 3 and beta 4 no sounds problem and video working good. Wait a minute i'll upload a video for you.
@fieldofcows Ok here is the video:
@Nismo I've actually managed to find a spare hour today so rather than just throwing the code together and leaving you to test it (sorry!) I've given this one a reasonable amount of testing before publishing it:
- Rework logic behind starting and stopping videos to address strange behaviour with multiple videos playing, videos starting at the wrong time, etc.
- Issue #5: Add option to select random game videos as screensaver
- Fix relative paths in video and marquee metadata (yay!)
Fingers crossed!
@fieldofcows omg!!! don't tell me you finally fixed relative paths!!! really? Nice! now finally i can scrape games and emulationstation can save my times playes and last played day, etc.
Thank you very much!!! I'm sick on bed today, but i'll test and tell you how it goes.
Thanks again.
@fieldofcows I have tested a bit, and seems all it's working very well.
The sound problem with videos it's gone.
About relative paths, my path are something like this:
<video>~/.emulationstation/roms/megadrive/Videos/3 Ninjas Kick Back.mp4</video>
<marquee>~/.emulationstation/roms/megadrive/Marquees/3 Ninjas Kick Back.png</marquee>After playing, when saving the paths changes like this:
<video>./Videos/3 Ninjas Kick Back.mp4</video>
<marquee>./Marquees/3 Ninjas Kick Back.png</marquee>But no problem, videos and marquees still working, maybe because they are inside rom folder, so still working in portable mode.
- Only thing I notice is that when exit emulationstation the video sounds for a few seconds ( 3 or 4), but I know that isn't an issue, it's because emulationstation is saving now, not like before that saving was disabled.
Very, very nice commit, this is absolutely stable version, no bugs, congratulations.
Edit: I don't know how to put the code inside the black box...
@fieldofcows I have a little request for you, I think this one is very easy for you.
Can you decrease time for autoscroll on description and gamelist? It takes tooo long...
Thanks again.
@Nismo I found where relative paths were handled for images and just made it work the same for marquees and videos. It doesn't store the original relative path but instead calculates it again from the system directory so it can and up different but should work. If it becomes a problem then I know how to fix it properly.
Yes, I know the sound plays while the metadata is saved. I did notice that but didn't think it was worthwhile fixing it. Maybe I will if it annoys people too much.
You get the black box by using three backquotes round your code like this:
'''(except use backquotes, not forward quotes like I did there)
@Nismo said in Video Preview in EmulationStation:
@fieldofcows I have a little request for you, I think this one is very easy for you.
Can you decrease time for autoscroll on description and gamelist? It takes tooo long...
Thanks again.
Ha ha! I've done exactly that on my local build!
@fieldofcows Nice! I want one build with that commit!! XD.
Relative path change it's not an issue, it's working very good now. And about the sound on exit, it's only 3 or 4 seconds, I think everybody can handle that, it's saving.
No bugs, very stable release, i'm so happy!!
Edit: if the sound on exit is an issue for the people (not for me), maybe an easy way to avoid the issue it's to mute video (or emulationstation sound) when press exit .
Here's a quick and nasty video of this version of ES in action with @Nismo 's theme:
This video is taken from a Raspbery Pi 3 running on a small 800x600 monitor running a custom version of EmulationStation that provides video preview of games as well as a video screensaver.
The video shows the boot process followed by system selection then the Mame gamelist. The gamelist shows video preview of each game or a 'static' screen for games without videos. After the banner the system fades to the screensaver which swaps to a random video every 30s.
Sorry for the poor quality and stock music - I don't have speakers hooked up to my RPi.
@fieldofcows Very nice, but I think is better without the emulationstation splash... more cool.
Also I see scanlines transparency it's working.
Last played and rating it's not good there, but it's ok on mine... why???
@Nismo Scanline transparency is working but there is aliasing due to the low resolution screen so it looks a bit uneven.
I'm not sure where the rating has gone - maybe it is because of the low resolution again.
I haven't really started configuring my pi yet. I just wanted to demonstrate that the theme and videos work without problems.
@fieldofcows Rating it's because low resolution.
Here is a quick fix for you (only for 800x600 screen):
Overwrite simple.xml inside oldroom theme folder with this new one. Tested at 800x600.
Edit: I'm thinking in doing a 4:3 version of the theme when this one is finished, it whould take time to adjust all images a bit.
@fieldofcows I have a problem with the theme. I'll try to explain as better I can.
I have this:
<image name="md_image"> <origin>0 0</origin> <pos>0.544 0.475</pos> <size>0.115 0.375</size> </image>
But I need to use maxsize, like this:
<image name="md_image"> <origin>0 0</origin> <pos>0.544 0.475</pos> <maxsize>0.115 0.375</maxsize> </image>
But it breaks the theme if I use it.
This value is correct like specified here:
*There are 7 Properties accepted by the Image Element. They are: - <pos> The position of the image within the screen. - <size> The absolute size of the image. Does not maintain aspect ratio. Use either this or <maxSize>, not both. - <maxSize> The maximum size to stretch an image. Maintains aspect ratio. Use either this or <size>, not both.*
If I use it on "md_marquee" also breaks the theme.
So I don't know what's happening here....I need this working for the theme.
@fieldofcows Sorry mate, it's my fault, I forgot the caps on the S, it's maxSize and I was typing maxsize.
It's working, sorry for annoying you.
@Nismo Haha! I hadn't started looking at it yet :D
Hi @fieldofcows, I have an annoying problem with emulationstation, and maybe you can fix it.
To launch some emulators I use a batch file, one example of es_systems.cfg:
<command>%HOME%\.emulationstation\systems\fusion\fusion.bat "%ROM_RAW%"</command>
My batch file it's working pretty good but "%ROM_RAW%" returns this:
P:\.emulationstation\systems\fusion\Fusion.exe "P:\\.emulationstation\roms\Sega32x\Virtua"
Keep an eye on double back slash:
While this works with fusion, other emulators fail to load because the double back slash.
For example, if I launch a game in ZX spin emulator through command line this way:
P:\.emulationstation\systems\zxspin\zxspinexe "P:\\.emulationstation\roms\zxspectrum\Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (Europe).zip"
ZX spin emulator fails to load because the double back slash thing but if I send the same through commandline without double backslash it works:
P:\.emulationstation\systems\zxspin\zxspinexe "P:\.emulationstation\roms\zxspectrum\Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (Europe).zip"
No matter if I use "%ROM_RAW%" or "%ROM%" or %ROM%, this commands always returns double back slash.
This is the batch file:
start /MIN %~dp0AllInOneFYC.exe AllInOneFYC.ini %~dp0Fusion.exe %1 taskkill /f /im AllInOneFYC.exe Please can you fix it for better compatibility with more emulators?
Edit: I only use the batch file to see the cmd window, I convert the bash file to exe file and that way I hide cmd window, I do the same to launch ES portable mode hiding cmd window.
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