Qwer and t keys not working for spectrum text adventures
Keyboard works fine in command line etc but the q w e r and t keys just aren't registering when I try to play a text based game on the spectrum emulator.everything else is fine. Can anyone help please?
I have the same problem, specifically the "A" key - the hardware checks out on my PC, and using the PC keyboard I have the same problem (i.e. some key presses not recognised on two different keyboards), but pressing A/a gets no response in the Spectrum emulator. So, I can't play Lords of Midnight or Wild Bunch, where you have to press A/a to move. Really frustrating!
Pi Model: Pi 3
PSU: genuine Raspberry Pi 5v PSU
Updated all packages from Retropie
RetroPie version: 4.1
Emulator: Spectrum
USB Devices: keyboard, mouse and Xeox analogue pad -
@Jeanybean @Mav617 try adding this to /opt/retropie/configs/zxspectrum/retroarch.cfg above the #include..... line
input_libretro_device_p2 = "3"
Thanks Ed - I did that but no joy I'm afraid. Q,W,A,S,Z and X don't work. I guess I'll have to try a fresh install.
input_remapping_directory = "/opt/retropie/configs/zxspectrum/"
input_player1_analog_dpad_mode = "1"
input_player1_joypad_index = "0"
input_player4_joypad_index = "0"
input_libretro_device_p2 = "3" -
for text adventures, you would do better to switch to the standalone
emulator. no need to "reinstall". -
If you want to use the libretro core, according to the documentation you have to change a few settings
There are some conflicts in the way the input devices interact because of the use of the physical keyboard keys as joystick buttons. For a good gaming experience, set the user device types as follows:
- For joystick games: Set user 1 to a joystick type. Optionally, set user 2 to another joystick type (local cooperative games). Set user 3 to none. This way, you can use L1 as RETURN, R1 as SPACE, and SELECT to bring the embedded keyboard.
- For keyboard games: Set users 1 and 2 to none, and user 3 to Sinclair Keyboard. You won't have any joystick and the embedded keyboard won't work, but the entire physical keyboard will be available for you to type in those text adventure commands.
@BuZz Thanks mate, I'll try it tomorrow (got a banging headache at the moment)
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