Issues getting SNES to USB adapter working
Hi All,
Hoping someone might be able to assist with this. I bought the Tomee SNES to USB adapter. I have 2 SNES controllers: 1 an OEM controller and a 3rd party controller. I plugged the 3rd party controller into my raspberry PI and attempted to configure the controller but didn't have any success in having the system recognize the controller. I then attempted the OEM controller and had the same issue. I have been using Xbox One controllers on the system hooked in through USB with no issues. Has anyone used these adapters before and had any issues with them or am I just missing a step in the setup for these? Any help is appreciated and my system specs are below. Thanks.
Pi Model or other hardware: Raspberry PI 3 Model B
Power Supply used: 5.25VDC 2.4A Regulated AC Power Adapter - 48" Cord with Micro USB Plug
RetroPie Version Used (3.6, 3.8.1, 4.01 etc.. - do not write latest): Retropie 4.1
Built From: (Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website, Berryboot, or on top of existing OS etc..): Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website
USB Devices connected: SNES to USB adapter
Controller used: 3rd party and OEM SNES controller
Error messages received: No error message received but controller not being recognized
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