TV doesn't recognize RP3 Retropie4.1
For starters, I purchased a brand new SD card (Samsung EVO MB-MP16DA). I followed step-by-step how to install for first time users via
I unzipped the file via 7zip, loaded the image to the card via win32DiskImager (everything shows that it was successful), loaded the SD into my Pie, plugged everything up and powered it up. The TV didn't recognize the pie. I've tried different power cables, different HDMI cables, different HDMI ports, different TVs, all with no joy.
For full transparency, I am using a 2.1A power plug (i know 2.5 is recommended), but I don't see how that would affect it too much.
I've searched throughout the forum and haven't seen any similar problems.
I'm sort of at a stand-still. Any/all help is greatly appreciated!
Take a look at the parts about HDMI Drive or HDMI safe are usually the best things to try. Once you get it working tinker with some of the settings listed to make it work perfectly. I had the exact same issue and so did a friend of mine.
How do I edit the text? I was given this suggestion from another person, but I can't edit the text in 7zip, nor will my computer allow me to access the drive to change it directly on the card. It asks me to "format the drive" before I can access it.
@DaCatzMeow57 said in TV doesn't recognize RP3 Retropie4.1:
I am using a 2.1A power plug (i know 2.5 is recommended), but I don't see how that would affect it too much.
Why do you think this? If you are using a phone "charger", it will affect it big time. This rating is mainly to make sure the Pi can supply enough current to the external power hungry USB peripherals. If you are not using them then you do not need 2.5A. You probably are going to use them though?
@DaCatzMeow57 why would you be trying to edit a 7zip file? I'm lost. Can you explain how you wrote the image to the SD card, step by step because it seems like you missed a few.
The SD card must be formatted to FAT32. Use SD formatter for this. DL the RetroPie image. Unzip it. Use Win32 Diskimager to burn the image ( .img file) to the card. This will give you a boot partion of approx 60MB. The rest of the image (the root partition) is written in Ext4 which windows cannot read. Once completed insert the SD card into the Pi and then connect the power... it really should be that simple -
I followed step-by-step that recommended
I formatted the SD card to FAT32 with SD formatter. Downloaded the image, mounted with win32diskimager. plugged it all in, no joy.
My TV isn't recognizing the RP3, so I attempted to edit the boot config text, but am unsuccessful.
Maybe it is the power source, idk.
@DaCatzMeow57 what has the 7zip file got to do with it then? If you wrote the .img file to the card it would no longer be zipped... did you maybe copy the zip file using Win32? You wouldn't be the first, or the last to do it by mistake.
@DaCatzMeow57 The power should be fine to at least boot the Pi. It only needs about 0.8 A to boot. The PSU will give you issues once you plug peripherals in and actually want to do stuff. It should be enough to boot it. Is the green 'activity' led flashing at all when you connect the power or just a solid red led?
solid red
@DaCatzMeow57 then the Pi is not even attempting to boot. Editing stuff is impossible. My advice... start again. With a fresh download of the image. Some people have downloaded incomplete or corrupted images from time to time. These things happen. Nothing is 100%. You can't troubleshoot this. You need to start again. Be sure to tick ths resize option in SD formatter when reformatting the card to FAT32. This will restore the card's true size. Good luck.
Thanks, I'll try that. I'll give it another go tonight when I get home.
Appreciate your help.
@DaCatzMeow57 No worries.
Well, did a fresh download, format, write and boot and everything works fine now. Occam's Razor, I suppose.
Thanks for your help.
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