Ports in RetroPie not working properly
@SpacedInvader something i recently learned about .sh files in emulationstation. You dont have to make them execteable. Feel free to just make the Doom 2 - Master Levels.sh in your ports section with spaces and everything. Then right click on the file and give it 0777 permissions. No need to do the chmod +x. Then add the contents i posted above.
@SpacedInvader also for your audio problem on the 3.5mm jack add this line to your /boot/config.txt
Beautiful! Each day I learn something new!zdoom for tomorrow!
@edmaul69 Okay, Got Zdoom uploaded, and the everything works PERFECTLY! (Love the scrolling skulls artwork background!)
Its seems the wads from my CD Master Levels for Doom 2 do not show up in the list. Those that are on the list, I do not have... confusing. I loaded just five from my CD to the Pi just to make sure everything was reading and worked. First stumbling block... almost there!
@SpacedInvader look up zdoom master levels. You might have to rename them. There is a tutorial for zdoom master levels.
Thanks! I will check out the tutorial!
Can we mark this thread solved??
@SpacedInvader yup. But for others who come searching for an answer i would alter the title from "ports not working properly" to "doom ports not working properly"
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