@streetsweep Just in the bios file. As the guide says.
I just need that guide simplified for me. I'm trying to get this done for my son's birthday in March and really need help
@AlexMurphy which file do I down load at the start of that guide all of them?
@streetsweep Which files are you referring to? The bios? You need SCPH1001.BIN. I thought you had this.
@AlexMurphy I do but at the start of the guide you gave me there are 3 there to download. I reformatted and starting from scratch
@AlexMurphy the ir-pcsx-rearmed the pcsx-rearmed or the bettle one
@streetsweep 2 of the 3 entries (4 total files) are the same...assuming you're using one of those 2 (recommended) emulators, you have the file you need.
@streetsweep The recommended emulator for PSX is lr-pcsx-rearmed so use SCPH1001.BIN. This might come as a lower case file name, if so, re-name it and place it in the BIOS folder.
@AlexMurphy so as long as I get the ir-pcsx-rearmed file the SPCH1001.BIN should be in there right
@streetsweep lr-pcsx-rearmed is one of the emulators, not a file you need to get.
@liquidzoo my retropie doesn't have the ir-pcsx-rearmed emulator
@streetsweep No. Have you put the bios in the bios folder?
@streetsweep Pretty sure it's installed by default (it's an l, not an i btw). You can always check the setup program (see here: https://github.com/retropie/retropie-setup/wiki/First-Installation#installing-additional-emulators it's listed in the "main" section).
@liquidzoo It is. You don't need to do anything with the cores / emulators. He just needs the correct bios, correctly named in the bios folder then add ROMs to the PSX ROMS folder.
@AlexMurphy I figured as much.
Okay, watch this video from Floob:
@AlexMurphy I have 2 Roms on there that was the first thing I did I put 2 in the PSX folder
@backstander I don't have a PlayStation choice on the main screen I only have NES SNES nes64 and Sega
@streetsweep Then the ROMs aren't in the right format (or possibly the right place). Look at the guide again.
@liquidzoo I did what the guide said on getting the Roms downloaded them straight from [redacted - Read the rules] the moved them to the PSX ROM folder
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