Memory card full and can't delete anything in retopie. Need help please...
So I filled up my 64GB card with Roms and have run out of room on the card. Now retropie is acting weird---won't load some games, giving me errors saying card full, etc.
To try to free room, I picked some PS1 roms (which are large) and I went to "select" and then "delete" to get rid of a few roms but all it does is take me to a retropie command prompt (where it tells me the card is 100% used up) and my keyboard won't even type at the command prompt it brings up.
How can I free up room? More importantly, I'd like to get a 128GB card and copy everything from this 64GB one to that so I have room for more ROMS. How does one accomplish that?
Thanks for any help, kind of a noob and have no experience in Linux.
Joel -
OK, I just solved the first part of this problem on my own. Keyboard starting working and I went into the retropie file manager and figured out how to delete games there! Freed up 8% so I'm good.
Now for the 2nd part of the question---what is the best approach to get this 64GB card onto a 128GB card so I have more room to work with?
Just connect via Network if you have your Pi connected to the same wifi as your PC. You see the folders and can delete whatever you want without dealing with the actual Pi.
And to get this SD to a bigger one just make a img. with Win32DiskImager and dump it on the new one. -
@joeljoel1947 copy your image to a computer using one of the various Pi card backup programs. Then flash the image to a new 128gb card, then expand the file system while retropie is running and you'll have access to the full 128
Thanks capeman and cortex! I haven't got my pi hooked up to wifi yet (guess I should do that!) so I'm doing everything the hard way. Thanks for the help, off to buy a 128MB card!
@joeljoel1947 if you use win32disk imager choosing write is how you install the retropie image to a card. Choose read to backup your card to an image on your computer.
Yes, win32 disk imager is the best on windows. Ive been using mac the past few years, ApplePi Baker is the best on mac if you need it.
Thanks all, I got it all working on my new 128GB card! Joel
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