Strange spots/static on display and sound - pi zero
Hi all
I Love this app... So much fun... I have one issue though. There is a weird speckle or static on the screen, and the audio is staticy (so?) as well. I don't think it is a hardware issue, as it works and looks fine from a command line. I can try (as soon as I get another Microsd card) to put a different OS on the pi zero to test. Here is a screenshot (well, my phone camera picture).
Any ideas?
@hayesg316 are you overclocking? Have you tried a different hdmi cable?
@edmaul69 yes, I've tried a different HDMI cable, and no on overclock. Like I said, if I drop to any of the RetroPie command line config screens, it looks perfect... It's only in games or in the RetroPie menus
@hayesg316 can look into the hdmi signal boost setting (, but it could be a hardware issue too - you may have a faulty rpi.
I had that EXACT problem from a Pi Zero. Turns out i was using a cheapo chinese mini hdmi to full sized hdmi adapter. I tested the same cable on a second pi zero and had the same issue.
When i switched to a quality cable it fixed that exact issue. Are you using a cheapo no-name hdmi cable?
@Capeman I'm just using one from Amazon basics... Think this would be better? BlueRigger High Speed Micro HDMI to HDMI cable with Ethernet (6 Feet)
Not sure, but usually you get what you pay for with electronic components. Might want to get one of the specific ones for pi zero from a more specialized distributor like pimoroni or element14.
So, I purchased a mini HDMI to a standard HDMI cable, and replaced the cable and adapter I had (the amazon basics mini HDMI to female full size HDMI adapter). Everything works perfect now. Thanks everyone!!
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