Retro game stuff talk
@FlyingTomahawk probably a place that has Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages for less than I just paid for them. ;)
Oh, and you need to post photos. We live vicariously through your trips to Hard-Off.
You guessed right. :)
Unfortunately even after 2-3 months absence not much has changed.
They still had the white GBA for 2160 Yen but the grey Game Boy Pocket was gone.
They seem to have increased their Nintendo DS junk stock.Plenty of buttons and displays to salvage I guess.
Still it is always a great feeling to be around so many retro games or game stuff in general. -
All the gameboys! :O
@FlyingTomahawk I'm still kicking myself over that gray Pocket. I should have told you to get it, even with the scratched screen. The rest of it looked really nice. Oh well, there will be others I'm sure.
Thanks to your instigation I've picked up a few things on eBay (some handhelds and some games) but I'm not looking to have a stockpile of systems like that plastic tub full of broken DS Lites. ;)
The postal carrier today brought me a nice package from Florida. Not bad for $107 including shipping.
Oh, and there's a charger in that black zipper bag. ;)
I really don't need the Mario cover or the 3DS game holder, so I'll have to find a way to sell those. I don't see any brick and mortar stores that carry them that I could exchange them for store credit.
You can give me that.
1st, what is a CIB?
2nd, why did you take the games apart? lol
3rd, why is the pokemon GBA SP so damn expensive? -
- Complete in Box
- Probably checking to see if they are legit copies/See if batteries are good
- Limited Edition...probably
@FlyingTomahawk @lilbud beat me to it.
I opened them up to check the boards to make sure they weren't reproductions.
I still don't "get" Pokémon. But the real SPs were limited edition. The problem is that there are tons of repro shells.
As an aside, I have to wonder how many of the now banned 3DSs will be dumped on eBay. There's no way to check that kind of thing before buying. Luckily the one I bought last week doesn't seem to be affected.
@obsidianspider I still have my GBA SP, not limited edition or anything. But it is an AGS-101, the backlit one.
The inside is really nice, the outside looks like shit.
Protip: Never use sandpaper to remove a skin -
@obsidianspider said in Retro game stuff talk:
@FlyingTomahawk @lilbud beat me to it.
As an aside, I have to wonder how many of the now banned 3DSs will be dumped on eBay. There's no way to check that kind of thing before buying. Luckily the one I bought last week doesn't seem to be affected.Banned 3DS? I must have missed something. Can you explain?
Why I asked about the pokemon GBA SP, when I was at Hard off the other day they had a yellow and red version of it and both were priced around 16000 yen which is a lot $$$ for a used GBA SP.
@FlyingTomahawk said in Retro game stuff talk:
Banned 3DS? I must have missed something. Can you explain?
Nintendo is banning hacked systems from accessing the internet. Both I and @obsidianspider hacked our 3DS's, both of ours haven't been affected, yet.
@lilbud I just checked and mine is still ok. I keep the wifi off anyway to save battery. I didn't buy the 3DS to use online, but I'd still like to be able to. I guess we'll see what shakes out.
I thought Game Boy Micros were expensive. I just found out about the Pokemon Mini handheld. Wow.
Well, the gameboy colours are cheaper! I got mine from a used videogames store for 30 CAD, and battleship!
(Battleship was 15 CAD though) @obsidianspider
I'll leave this here...
also went to an electronics store (don't know how you guys say to those stores) to look for GPIO pin cables and they had this taped outside.
They had almost everything for the RPi! AC Adapters, all kinds of voltage, cases, spare parts, accessories. I was so surprised to see such thing here.
Kyoto is not around the corner but I work twice a month there and can get parts if needed. -
@FlyingTomahawk Wow, they have a wall around the building? I wouldn't have expected that. Probably to keep out Hedgehogs back in the day. 😉
The only electronics stores in the US that have Raspberry Pi stuff are Micro Center, and there aren't many of them. There's one a little over an hour from me, but I don't get down that way very often.
@obsidianspider i love when i take trips to micro center. I only go to the electronics/ raspberry pi section. We dont have one in colorado, but i assume fry's has this stuff too.
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